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    Entries in jazz (4)


    "Round the World" - Hot Peas 'N Butter

    Artist: Hot Peas 'N Butter

    Song: "Round the World"

    Album: Hot Peas 'N Butter Volume 5 - Best of the Bowl

    Description: I understand why the duo stands still for the entire song -- it's to make it easier to slide the gorgeous animation in and out on a puppet theatre-like stage.  (It still looks odd to me.  But I'm cranky like that.)

    Source: YouTube


    "Where's the Music?" - Medeski, Martin & Wood

    Artist: Medeski, Martin & Wood

    Song: "Where's the Music?"

    Album: Let's Go Everywhere

    Description: Ren & Stimpy meets early-childhood-education-based attention game meets awesome sauce.  (Yeah, the video's more than four years old.  Who cares?)

    Source: Vimeo



    "Shakey Shake Shake" - WeBop (Jazz at Lincoln Center)

    Artist: WeBop (Jazz at Lincoln Center)

    Song: "Shakey Shake Shake"

    Album: WeBop: A Family Jazz Party!

    Description: Mambo meets music and movement meets some other word that starts with "M" but really means Electronic Press Kit.  (But it's a lot less dry than that phrase implies.)

    Source: YouTube


    "Sand Castle" - Sasha Bondarev

    Artist: Sasha Bondarev

    Song: "Sand Castle"

    Album: Sand Castle

    Description: Jazzy showtune pop meets cute psychedelic apparitions meets studio time.

    Source: YouTube