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    Entries in Los Angeles (8)


    "Lucas!" - Mista Cookie Jar & the Chocolate Chips

    Artist: Mista Cookie Jar & the Chocolate Chips

    Song: "Lucas!"

    Album: Ultramagnetic Universal Love Revolution

    Description: Busy, busy, information overload, but it's nicely put together and, more importantly, is there any doubt that Mista Cookie Jar thinks Lucas is awesome?  No, no, there is not.

    Source: YouTube


    "Sing Loud!" - Melissa Green

    Artist: Melissa Green

    Song: "Sing Loud!"

    Album: Sing Loud!

    Description: There's not too much about the title track from Green's forthcoming (July 31) album or its video that would mark it as being "kids' music."  Maybe the lyric, "stomp stomp stomp."  Or, in the video, Green dancing, apropos of nothing really, between two large pieces of construction equipment.  But it is a shiny, shimmery piece of kid-friendly pop with a chorus designed to lodge in the brains of all who hear.  And the video is polished to match.

    Source: YouTube


    "Iguana Wants to Baila" - Birdie's Playhouse

    Artist: Birdie's Playhouse

    Song: "Iguana Wants to Baila"

    Album: The Wild World of Wildlife

    Description: If the Geico Gecko had a cousin who liked to go salsa dancing, this video might tell the story.

    Source: YouTube


    "Happy Place" - Mista Cookie Jar & the Chocolate Chips

    Artist: Mista Cookie Jar & the Chocolate Chips

    Song: "Happy Place"

    Album: Ultramagnetic Universal Love Revolution

    Description: Enough solar power to power an entire dance floor.

    Source: YouTube / Original post


    "Yellow" - Renee & Jeremy

    Artist: Renee & Jeremy

    Song: "Yellow"

    Album: A Little Love

    Description: If the vocal take on Coldplay's overplayed hit doesn't make you melt, the animation will.  A lovely, lovely cover.

    Source: YouTube / Original post