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    Robbert Bobbert's Head-Bboppin' Tunes

    I don't know whether Robert Schneider's kids' music album to be released by Little Monster Records in early 2007 under his Robbert Bobbert alter ego will be any good.

    But if the tunes on his Myspace page are any indication of what'll be on the album, it'll be one of the oddest albums to come down the pike in some time.

    "I Love the Animals" is a catchy New Wave/Beach Boys, Casio-accompanied tune which would be somewhat odd in its own right were it not accompanied by "Fee Fi Fo," which I can only describe as "The Chipmunks meets 50 Cent." It's a rap song from a mouse.

    All I can say is, go listen for yourself.

    Reader Comments (1)

    Listening to those Robbert Bobbert songs makes me feel like I'm eating a whole pack of Easter Peeps at one sitting here at Halloween-time. It's really super-fun and sorta subversive, and makes me laugh out loud but it also gives me this little screetchy headache. But then, I'm still laughing.

    It also (totally tangentially) puts me in mind of this book we have that Max LOVES called Mouse and Kat and the Evil One by Stuart Sharpe. It's basically all hipster typography and this wacked out story about (yes) a mouse and a cat who are good and an alien evil one. Robbert Bobbert could be the soundtrack.
    October 23, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterdeb in sf

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