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    New Ralph and Ralph Song Sounds Nothing Like Ralph's World

    Remember the other day when I talked about Little Monster Records and wondered who the mysterious "Ralph & Ralph" were?

    You don't? Really?

    Oh, well, you're probably not getting enough sleep.

    Anyway, I still don't know who they are, but maybe some of the eagle-eared readers out there can identify voices from the new Ralph & Ralph track posted on their "Sounds" page. "Ralph and Ralph's Song" is a slow, loping song that Randy Newman might write and includes the following couplet, which is either a 1) biting meta-commentary on the digital music distribution process or 2) feel-good life lesson.

    "A record costs money / but a song is for free."


    Reader Comments (1)

    Yep, that second Ralph on the sax-o-phone is DEFinitely Carney. No doubt about it.

    Oh boy is that gonna be a twirl and a whirl. And he likes noise alrighty. It's always good noise.
    November 16, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterdeb in sf

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