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    Awards Season Is Upon Us

    ... and you do not want to miss the Fids and Kamily website over the next couple days. We'll be posting stuff from Christopher Noxon and Deb Evans Braun that by themselves make this whole endeavor worthwhile. Oh, and you won't want to miss the unveiling of the winners.

    Reader Comments (1)

    I have the top three albums but haven't heard any of the rest on the list. I've got to get busy! Or win the lottery, if I believed in such things.

    I'm really happy for Justin Roberts, Dan Zanes and Elizabeth Mitchell. I gather from your interviews, their music and their websites that they're all superb musicians who understand kids. More than that, though, all three seem like such kind, cool people.
    November 18, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterKaty L

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