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    I'd Like Jelly With My Breakfast, Please

    Denizens of the fair city of San Francisco, what might be the most interesting live show of 2007 awaits you. On Saturday, January 20, Doug Snyder of the Jellydots will be joining Enzo Garcia for his Breakfast With Enzo show.

    It's as if Matthew Sweet decided to join Tom Waits for a show. I don't know what it'll sound like, but I'd imagine that even the stuff that doesn't quite work will at least be interesting. Should be a hoot and a half.

    Reader Comments (1)

    It's going to be amazing! It's going to be MAGICAL and FUN.

    Uni and her Ukulele is coming this saturday, last saturday was Dave Manning from Alaska, Charity Kahn has been, Chris Molla. There's always a wonderful surprise!

    Maybe you all should make a little road trip to check it out... Maybe there will still be some dungeness left by that time. Our door is always open.
    November 21, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterdeb in sf

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