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    The Best Kids Music of 2006

    If you're looking for a list of the best kids and family music from the past year, look no further than the 2006 Fids and Kamily Awards. The website is chock-full of reviews and essays, including a downloadable songbook. You can reach all the cool content from this post.

    I'll be posting my list of the year's best albums soon, but in the meantime, here's my reviews of the top albums in the poll:

    1. Meltdown! - Justin Roberts
    2. You Are My Little Bird - Elizabeth Mitchell
    2. Catch That Train! - Dan Zanes
    4. Fascinating Creatures - Frances England
    5. Animal Crackers - Wee Hairy Beasties
    6. Electric Storyland - The Sippy Cups
    7. Hey You Kids! - The Jellydots
    8. Rock Your Socks Off - Charity and the JAMband
    9. The Great Adventures of Mr. David - Mr. David
    9. Celebrate the Difference - Terri Hendrix
    11. Plays Well With Others - Uncle Rock
    11. Colours Are Brighter - Various Artists
    13. Macaroni Boy Eats at Chez Shooby Doo - Ginger Hendrix
    14. Prelude to Mutiny - Captain Bogg & Salty (OK, I can't review everything...)
    15. When I Get Little - Dog On Fleas
    15. The Family Hootenanny - Various Artists

    Reader Comments (1)


    I'm not sure you're setting that bar quite high enough, Mr. Grinchy Naysayer.

    But seriously, I had to go to pokey-pup and pick up a couple that we missed out on this year - shocking in all the music we seem to have acquired in the past year.

    And even more shocking was the number of GREAT records that didn't make any of the lists at all. Just goes to show how MUCH great stuff there is going on right now. Our kids are very lucky to live in this creative renaissance, or whatever it is!
    November 21, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterdeb in sf

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