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    Review: Hootenanny - Johnny Bregar

    Hootenanny.jpgAfter hearing his debut kids' CD Stomp Yer Feet!, I saddled the Seattle-based musician Johnny Bregar with perhaps an unfortunate tag -- the next Raffi. I considered it a compliment, thinking of Bregar's gifted voice and occasionally soulful reinterpretation of preschooler classics, but there are enough people out there who have such a knee-jerk reaction to the mere mention of Raffi's name that I didn't expect it to be a marketing gold mine.

    On his second album for kids, the just-released Hootenanny, Bregar neatly escapes the "next Raffi" tag by pitching his songs at a slightly older crowd. Gone are toddler classics such as "If You're Happy and You Know It" or "I've Been Working on the Railroad," in are folk classics for a slightly older crowd -- the revved-up album opener "Old Dan Tucker" or the straight-up folk last track "Eastbound Freight Train." The younger kids aren't completely ignored -- somewhere Dr. John is crossing "Miss Mary Mack" off his songs-to-record list because Bregar's soulful version will work just as well -- but this time they're the exception and not the rule. I also like his gently bouncing version of "Don't Fence Me In," with an occasional kids' chorus that suggests the lyrics don't just apply to adult cowboys.

    Bregar puts a few more original songs on the new album, and for the most part, they're very good. Songs like "Best Friend" and "Airplane" speak to aspirations of five-year-olds. If there's a drawback to the songs, which sound great, is that they're all very Adult Album Alternative-sounding. As opposed to the goofiness of, say, "Pancakes" or "Blah de la" off Stomp Yer Feet!, the songs here are all very polished and may or may not capture kids' fancies.

    The album's musicianship is always first-rate, and Bregar has a great voice, one of those things you don't appreciate unless you've heard a lot of kids' music and realize that there aren't that many kids' musicians with great voices. He sounds ever so slightly like Bruce Springsteen and a lot like Justin Currie, the lead singer for the '90s pop band Del Amitri -- in fact, there's even a hint of Del Amitri's sound in the album. (Should I start the rumor that Bregar is actually Currie's alter ego?)

    The album's most appropriate for kids ages 3 through 8. You can hear clips from both of Bregar's albums here.

    Hootenanny is another strong album from Johnny Bregar, with many songs kids and their adults can enjoy. If it doesn't quite reach the heights of Stomp Yer Feet!, that's only because that album set the bar so high, and if you were scared by the "next Raffi" tag, it's OK to come back -- Bregar's now setting his own path worth following. Definitely recommended.

    Reader Comments (4)

    Cool! He IS good. We have Stomp Yer Feet and dig it. This sounds good, too. I love the sound of the first few songs, up through Mary Mack and then the last one - East Bound Freight Train on his "listen" page. So zippidy and fun! But I got a little zoned out in the middle. Maybe it's just my taste. Does it kinda sound like he sings every song in the same key? Maybe they zip more in the whole song. I love the folk. Love love love it! I'll get one for my little's school class. Her teachers will be thrilled.
    December 4, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterdeb in sf
    Thanks for the review! The CD is getting great response from folks - several have told me that their 3 year olds like it better than Stomp Yer Feet! For the record, the songs are not all in the same key... :-)

    December 5, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterJohnny B
    I happen to be a proud fan of Raffi (Bananaphone, anyone?), so the comparison actually worked for me. It's nice having a great all-ages musician like this here in Seattle. My copy of Hootenanny just arrived today, and what the girls and I heard in the car on the way home from school, we loved. I always thought I wanted to be a Ray-lette (you know, a back-up singer for Ray Charles), but doing back-up harmonies for Johnny and the kids would suit me just fine.
    December 5, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterKaty L
    Thanks, for setting me straight, Johnny!

    Katy, you are a woman after my heart. I'm such a side-man/woman! Always wanna be a doo-wop girl! too bad you don't live closer....
    December 6, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterdeb in sf

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