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    Melissa Block's CD Changer and Ours Look Similar

    To those of you visiting here from Melissa Block's post on CDs her family's been enjoying, welcome. You'll find over 140 reviews of CDs here (all accessible from the artist links on the right-hand side of the page), plus news and interviews squeezed in whenever I can find the time.

    For what it's worth, you can follow the links below to my reviews of the albums Melissa lists...

    -- Catch That Train! - Dan Zanes and Friends (review / interview)
    -- You Are My Little Bird - Elizabeth Mitchell (review)
    -- New Orleans Playground - Various Artists / Putumayo (review)
    -- Alphabet Songs - Steve Weeks (Vol. 2 review, Vol. 3 review)
    -- The Johnny Cash Children's Album - Johnny Cash (review)
    -- Whoever Shall Have Some Good Peanuts - Sam Hinton (review)

    And thanks for stopping by!

    Reader Comments (2)

    "I don't have a lot of patience for music that panders to what I consider to be misguided notions of what adults think kids must like. Excessive goofiness? Out. Phony silly voices? Out."

    Hmmm. I consider it a misguided notion to imply that kids don't like goofiness and silly voices (even excessive goofiness and phony silly voices).

    Kids like to be kids, and kids are often goofy and silly. They like music that reflects that side of them. She did add "excessive" and "phony", but the implication still seems meant as a generalization. I would certainly say that it depends somewhat on the material and the particular character - John Lithgow doing silly voices and goofy schtick is almost always going to be better than just about anybody else.

    But that comment feels like someone imposing their own musical taste on kids in general, and I think it's unfounded. Some kids may not like goofiness and silliness in music, sure, but that's the rare exception in my experience. Most kids love that in a big way if it's done well.

    Boy, if only I had my own blog so I could respond to that more... :o)
    December 6, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterEric Herman
    so cool to be name-checked (and linked to) by someone else cool. good for you, Stefan. She's obviously smart and knows good taste. ;)
    December 6, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterdeb in sf

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