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    Review: Park Slope Parents The Album (Vol. 1) - Various Artists

    ParkSlopeParentsVol1.jpgCompilations are notoriously hard things to compile. Any fool can put together a CD of good or popular songs, but their appeal as a single entity often fades after time. (Really, who listens to those Now! CDs, like, six months later?) The key is finding some loosely unifying theme or spirit to guide the collection.

    Park Slope Parents The Album (Vol. 1) has just enough theme to carry the day. The 17-track collection plucks chooses songs old and new, released and not, from mainly New York City artists. There are a few tracks that deal with life in New York City -- David Weinstone (Music for Aardvarks) contributes his simple "Subway" ("Bing bong / the doors open on the train / bing bong / All the people pile in") while Michael Leyden has a more rocking take in "I Hear a Train."

    Any compilation should also be measured by how well it does in helping you to discover new artists, rediscover chestnuts from old artists, and getting new tracks from your favorite artists. In terms of discovering new artists, Courtney Kaiser and Benjamin Cartel's "The Season Song" is a perfect pop tune from an adult band (whose members both teach in schools) writing a kids' song (specifically for this album). Dan Zanes contributes the "The Monkey's Wedding" from his Parades and Panoramas disk while Daniel Schorr's "Good Boy with a Bad Reputation" (off his first album) is a great example of his countryfied Dwight Yoakam-esque rock.

    And the new tracks. These, my friends, are why you should get yourself on the CDBaby waiting list and order the disk. Smack dab in the middle of the disk are two great new cuts. The Deedle Deedle Dees contribute their ode to New York City roadways (had to balance out the public transportation songs, I suppose) with "Major Deegan," which was recorded for their upcoming album. The loping song sounds timeless, especially with those "whoo-whoo's". And The Quiet Two continue their surreal attack on kids' music with the loopy and giddy "When I Dream." AudraRox's reggae song of tolerance "Moms & Dads" and the sometimes-out-of-control (in a good way) "Drunken Sailor" contributed by Astrograss (with backing vocals from AudraRox's Audra and Jen) are just as good.

    I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the sweetest track, the album closer "Fools Will Try." Somehow these Brooklyn parents got Ralph Covert to contribute a track from his 1997 album Birthday, and it's nothing less than some of the best advice you can give to a child. This is one of those songs that should appear on a lot of new parents' mix CDs...

    The album is probably most appropriate for kids 3 through 8 (who probably don't care less about the appropriateness of a compilation and who just care whether a CD has good songs, which this one does in spades). The album is a fundraiser for Park Slope Parents, an informational website for parents in Park Slope, Brooklyn. For those of you who don't live in New York City, I'd recommend the CDBaby page, where you can hear samples. (The cover, by the way, is by children's author and illustrator Mo Willems, who contributes drawings that are more "Knuffle Bunny" than "Pigeon.")

    Though collected for kids living in New York City, Park Slope Parents The Album (Vol. 1) is appropriate for families visiting New York City, learning about New York City, oh, heck, lovers of good music. It's a great collection of music and it's definitely recommended.

    Reader Comments (4)

    My sis-in-law lives in ParkSlope and gets so much from Park Slope Parents. I'd pay just for that, but (and I know I go on about lots of stuff)...

    that Deedle Deedle Dees song knocked me off my chair! I mean, yeah banjo will do it to me, but it's so Blue Velvet and old jukebox.

    I MUST have that song. It's amazing!
    January 23, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterdeb in sf
    Yeah, it always takes me about 10 seconds to put "The Rainbow Connection" out of my mind when I hear the intro. (Not that "The Rainbow Connection" is bad -- but it's a completely different song.)
    January 24, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterStefan
    The Deedle Deedle Dees song is our favorite. Tino (age 10) loves it! We were singing from different parts of the house to each other.I was "honk, honk" & he was "woo, woo".That song is a gem!! && I agree with Stefan -the other super cool song is from the Quiet Two (ya know i'm a BIG fan!) they are so smart with lyrics like "i was swimming in ice cream - i wouldn't recommend this unless you are in a dream"some excellent company to be in here!!!by the way - Astrograss IS out of control!! (in a good way):-) Their song is a perfect example of what happens when real live pirates get together.Thanks to Susan Fox who made this happen!!cheers -audra

    January 24, 2007 | Unregistered Commenteraudra tsanos
    You anticipated my planned pairing, but I went ahead and played Rainbow Connection backed up against Major Deegan this morning...

    Great CD all around.
    January 27, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterBill Childs

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