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    But Do They Have Deedle Deedle Deetention?

    Did you fall in love with "Major Deegan" by the Deedle Deedle Dees off the Park Slope Parents Album?

    Are you a teacher?

    Well, then, the band's new blog is for you. It will be "a resource for teachers who would like to use the music of the Deedle Deedle Dees in their classrooms. Lesson plans, background notes, activity and coloring sheets, and reading lists will all be here for you to use."

    And regardless whether you're a teacher or just a payer of property taxes to your local school district, you can hear four songs from their upcoming March 3 release Freedom in a Box at their Myspace page. The mixture of their history songs with their toddler movement songs seems a bit awkward over the space of just four songs, but they're definitely interesting. "Henry Box Brown" has got the banjo thing down pat, and "Nellie Bly" would be what you'd get if The Band ever decided to write a song about, well, Nellie Bly...

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