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    We Have Ourselves A Ralph's World Winner!

    I've randomly selected a winner from all our fine applicants in the Ralph's World contest, and that winner is Lynn, who in her entry said:

    My dream would be to see Ralph in San Francisco at the Fillmore because, well, just because it would be almost historic. But since we are actually lucky enough to be here in Ralph's home town of Chicago our real pick is the House of Blues in Chicago. It's impossible to choose just 3 songs, but here goes: 1. Fe-Fi-Fo-Fum because the kids have such a blast dancing to it; 2. Riding With No Hands because it captures both childhood and parenthood so well; and 3. Honey for the Bears because it is just fun.
    I hope Ralph is taking notes for his March 3rd show in Chicago...

    Many, many thanks to all the entrants. Even if you didn't win (heck, even if you did win, Lynn), you can order tickets for the tour by clicking on the link below.


    Thanks again to Ralph for the tickets!

    Reader Comments (1)

    I thought Lynn's comment about "Riding With No Hands" was great. I will now hear that song in a whole new way (though I've always loved it). Congratulations Lynn--have a great time!
    January 29, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKaty L

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