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    Because SXSW Needed More Bands...

    Heard from certain sources this morning that Austin-raised band The Jellydots will also have a showcase at South By Southwest next month, joining at least 3 kids' bands and roughly a bajillion other bands. That's a pretty darn good mini-festival right there.

    Assuming, of course, you can get a hotel room.

    Which you can't.

    Reader Comments (2)

    Yea for the Jellydots! Doug rocks! My bro's going to be there, sans littles. I'm gonna send him over to hear the Jellys, though. (he already has a hotel room, lucky!)
    February 16, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterdeb in sf
    I came close to going - Southwest has cheap roundtrip tickets, and we still have enough friends that I could crash on couches - but there's just too much else going on.

    Next year (as I've been saying since last time I went in 2000), I'm there.
    February 17, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterBill Childs

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