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    KidVid: "Picnic in the Graveyard" - Uncle Rock

    Hey, everyone, it's a kids' song about death!


    Actually, this song is one of my favorites from Uncle Rock's Plays Well With Others album just because it's a disarming approach to the subject of death.

    I'm not sure the "hey, lookie, it's your dead Aunt Petunia" part of the video will advance that concept with all but the most metaphorically advanced of kids (or with those who, well, believe in ghosts), but this is a great video to show how to put together a compelling video on what looks to be a relatively small budget.

    Check out the glasses on the dad character -- I kept on expecting him to rip off the glasses and become Superman.

    Or Uncle Rock.

    Reader Comments (2)

    This is sweet! Yeah, the dead relative gave me actual shivers, but...

    I love the graphics, I love the folks, I love the song (I think it's my favorite URock song - dig it every time I hear it). I love that it represents without being kitsch. Total hit, in my book.
    March 14, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterdeb in sf
    Finally had a moment to watch this. It actually made me weep (wishing my incredible mother-in-law were still around to play with her gradnkids). What a marvelous song and video. Ole' for Uncle Rock!
    March 16, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKaty L

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