KidVid Tournament 2007: Nominate the 16th Video

As I discuss elsewhere, we're running Zooglobble's first KidVid Tournament over the next couple weeks or so. I'm looking to readers to pick the 16th video. (It's a play-in game!)
Nominate your favorite(s) in the comments below. The video with the most comments will be picked, as long as the video conforms to the following rules (there are always rules, aren't there... it's a parenting thing):
1. The video has to be publicly accessible on the internet -- sites requiring registration to view the whole video will not be accepted.
2. The whole video has to be available (I call this the "Ralph's World" rule because the Disney website only includes 1-minute selections of his videos).
3. The video has to be from the past year or so. The song doesn't have to be, though.
4. Artists with a video already in the tournament (see list here) are ineligible for this final slot.
I reserve the right to modify the rules above to account for things I'm not bright enough to anticipate.
Deadline for nominations/votes: 8 PM West Coast time / 11 PM East Coast time Monday, March 19.
Power to the people! (Or something like that.) Show me what I've missed.
Reader Comments (32)
I'll nominate Leon Thomas' "Duck 4" on the Noggin site.
Eric Herman - "The Elephant Song"
Eric Ode - "This Song Has No Elephants"
Amy, I think most people can figure out how to get to the Noggin video player, but Eric (and future posters), please put in a brief description of the web address so that readers can see the video for themselves and possibly vote for them.
"The Elephant Song" by Eric Herman
"This Song Has No Elephants" by Eric Ode
This video from the SUnny Side Up Band from Athens GA is awesome!
Thanks to Pam Blanchard and the band for making kid centered music that parents love also!
This band is awesome, and this video is a lot of fun!
"Can I wear my princess outfit to soccer practice?" That's a song waiting to be written.
My kids and I also like the Captain Bogg video, but after awhile the novelty of singing like pirates wears off. Songs with funny voices don't have a lot of staying power.
Gets my 2-year-old jumping.
If you miss it you're missin out!