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    « Review: Road Trip - Girl Authority | Main | KidVid Tournament 2007: Nominate the 16th Video »

    KidVid Tournament 2007

    It's mid-March, which means it's almost time for our nation to ignore work, significant others, and child-rearing responsibilities in lieu of watching people running and jumping around with orange balls in their hands on large televisions.

    Well, here at Zooglobble, we'd like to bring families together. By watching people running and jumping around with variously-colored guitars in their hands on small computer screens.

    So I'm happy to announce Zooglobble's first (and maybe last, depending on how well this goes) KidVid Tournament. That's right, over the next 2+ weeks, we'll be pitting 16 of the best kids' music videos from the past year or so head-to-head with readers voting to determine the best video of the year.

    Who was the selection committee which decided the 16 best? Well, it's a committee of one -- me. I picked videos that showed some level of production value and had a decent song. I stayed away from live cuts. I also was limited to picking videos whose complete versions are available on the Internet (so you Ralph's World fans can blame Disney for Mr. Covert's absence here).

    Here, then, are the seedings:

    Lead Belly Region:
    1. "I Hog the Ground (Groundhog Song)" - Steve Burns / Steven Drozd
    2. "Tricycle" - Frances England
    3. "Bees, Butterflies, and Bugs" - Sir Jerry
    4. "Forest Rhymes" - Farmer Jason

    Pete Seeger Region:
    1. "Let's Shake" - Dan Zanes
    2. "I'm From the Sun" - Gustafer Yellowgold
    3. "I Hope My Mama Says YES!" - AudraRox
    4. ????

    Woody Guthrie Region:
    1. "Willy Was A Whale" - Justin Roberts
    2. "I Found It!" - Brady Rymer
    3. "Toenail Moon" - Wee Hairy Beasties
    4. "Polar Bear" - The Quiet Two

    Ella Jenkins Region:
    1. "Pieces of 8ight" - Captain Bogg & Salty
    2. "Farm Song" - Laurie Berkner
    3. "Ya Gotta Have Pep" - John Lithgow
    4. "Picnic in the Graveyard" - Uncle Rock

    Sharp readers will notice that I've listed just 15 videos. Well, in addition to you voting on the videos in general, I've left room for a "play-in" game for the #4 seed in the Pete Seeger Region. Who will be this tournament's Niagara? Well, that's up to you, too. To nominate videos, click here.

    The first two matchups will be posted later today. Come back and vote for your favorites.

    Reader Comments (1)

    i love this video!this band rocks!
    March 18, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterjoey

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