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    Chicago Loves the Kids, Too (Kidzapalooza Lineup Announced)

    So even though Lollapalooza is a good six weeks after the Austin City Limits Festival, those good folks in the City of Broad Shoulders just got around to announcing their Kidzapalooza lineup. Slowpokes.

    As with the Austin Kiddie Limits lineup, this one too can be divided into two camps:
    1) Adults Playing For Kids
    2) Kids Playing For Adults

    In the first category, you have the following (artists playing ACL Fest noted with a happy *):
    -- Peter Himmelman: Kids' singer-songwriter of the highest order
    -- Wee Hairy Beasties: Americana/insect-based rock from Jon Langford, Sally Timms, and other Bloodshot Records staples
    -- The Sippy Cups* -- Psychedelic-inspired rock and pop
    -- CandyBand: Punk music from four Detroit-area moms
    -- The Hipwaders: Occasionally retro power-pop
    -- Q Brothers* -- Hip-hop
    -- Peter DiStefano & Perry Farrell: This has nothing to do with their appearance here (replicating their appearance last year), but that new Satellite Party album cover is one of the weirdest I've seen in some time. (Note: "Weirdest" is a gentle term for "bizarre." Or "awful.")

    In the second category are bands made up of youngsters or recently-adulted young folks. Again, I don't know much about these bands, though I believe the Blisters and the Alvin Ailey Dance School both showed up at last year's Lollapalooza.
    -- Paul Green School of Rock All-Stars*
    -- The Blisters: Oddly enough, Jeff Tweedy's kid is playing Lollapalooza while his dad isn't. (Even though Wilco -- but not the blisters -- are playing the ACL Fest. Weird.)
    -- Rock For Kids Youth Jam Band: I keep having this feeling that they're gonna break into an extended version of My Morning Jacket's "Mageetah."
    -- Alvin Ailey Dance School
    -- John Yost's Rhythm Revolution

    Lollapalooza is August 3-5, 2007 in Chicago's Grant Park.

    And for those of you looking to score some free tickets, the Paul Frank Store in Chicago is hosting a party this Saturday, June 2, from 11 AM to 1 PM. You can tell me how those Paul Green's School of Rock All-Stars sound, and maybe win some free tickets.

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