Record Collection: Top 10 Desert Island Disks

Longtime readers know that while I love to write lists of songs (and I promise I will finish that Top 50 Kids Songs list very soon), I haven't done much in the way of lists of albums.
Well, with these occasional "Record Collection" entries, I hope to remedy that ever-so-slightly.
The not-quite-out-of-beta asked me to write some articles on on kids music for them, and the first entry has just been posted: "Ten Kids CDs to Take to a Desert Island." You could probably ask me for a Top 10 list 10 different ways or at 10 different times and I'd come up with 10 different lists. This particular list is "a list of CDs (in no particular order) whose enjoyment has stood the test of time in our household." I bet a few of the CDs on my list would be on yours, too -- feel free to tell me which ones I've cruelly omitted.
For a taste, here's my comment on one of the albums:
They Might Be Giants, No! – You can't go wrong with either of the two kids albums from They Might Be Giants, who've been turning out quirky pop songs for adults for more than 20 years. This collection, the first of two for kids, gets the nod over its successor Here Come the ABCs for sheer consistency of material, but, really, either would be a great addition for your sandy retreat.More pieces of mine will be running there in the weeks and months ahead. In the meantime, if you've got a preschool through grade-12-aged child, you should stop by the site. Reference articles, community features, and expert advice. Not much for the snark, but man cannot live by snark alone.
Reader Comments (4)
Besides, with many of these albums, even if your kids or you have "outgrown" them, they're still family favorites because you've listened to them so often.