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Family Time Rocks Adds Dave Grohl

OK, not really.

But you know how I told you about Sara Hickman's long list of 2010 activities? And how Sara Hickman's been making music with Jason Molin?

Well, they'be been cranking out more demos. Yeah, the awesome "Bananas" is still there, along with some other demos, including "Family Time Rocks." What's that all about? Well, it has something to do with Family Time Rocks, Hickman's and Molin's attempt to use her status as Texas State Musician to get families to get more creative. (That website just has a splash page that doesn't do anything, but does have a Nov. 7 date. Hmmmm....)

Anyway, all that would be reason enough to post something and to be excited, but here's where I blow your minds, folks. Guess who's joining Family Time Rocks?

Doug Snyder. That's right, Jelly Doug, chief Jellydot (and whose Jelly Jukebox is expected to be released in a couple weeks) is going to be part of the Family Time Rocks. In alphabetical order, the lineup is:

Sara Hickman
Jason Molin
Gray Parsons (also from The Jellydots - Drums, Bass, Guitar)
Doug Snyder

This is very much a kids music supergroup, and if Dave Grohl can join Them Crooked Vultures while leading the Foo Fighters, why shouldn't Snyder join Family Time Rocks while leading the Jellydots?

The folks are multi-instrumentalists (ahem, just like Dave), so that could mean that everyone could play multiple instruments (not at the same time, but, hey, why not?) They could play not only their own songs, but be writing new ones. "We're all very excited about this!"

Doug, you're not the only one. And, Dave, I'm sure they'd be willing to let you play along. Call them.

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