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Entries in Sara Hickman (10)


Austin Kiddie Limits 2011 Lineup Announced

AKL_logo.jpgThe lineup for the 2011 edition of the Austin City Limits Festival (September 16-18, ugh, the humidity!) was announced this morning and, yeah, that top of the bill is pretty darn good. Stevie Wonder! Arcade Fire! Alison Krauss! Kanye West! My Morning Jacket! I've run out of exclamation points! (OK, now I have.)

Still, scroll down a bit and you'll find the lineup for the Austin Kiddie Limits stage, not in a particularly friendly way, but the brainy among us can figure it out. As with the Kidzapalooza lineup, you can split the AKL lineup into 2 basic divisions. The first are the folks you'd most typically find here at this site...

Sara Hickman
Heidi Swedberg
Mariana Iranzi
Brady Rymer
Recess Monkey

That's a good lineup (heck, I've put on shows featuring three of 'em), and I think they're all a good fit for the AKL stage.

Beyond that we have The Paul Green School of Rock, Q Brothers, Peter DiStefano & Tor, the Barton Hills Choir, and Quinn Sullivan, all making return appearances to the AKL stage. (Sullivan's performance may very well be the most crowded the stage gets all weekend.) So, in other words, while first-timers may find these performances worth sticking around for (and I think even I could be tempted to see the Barton Hills Choir), should we make the trip down to Austin again, I think it'll be an opportunity to broaden some of the kids' musical horizons... time to camp out in the gospel tent or catch Abigail Washburn.


Share: "Family Time Rocks! The Universe" - Family Time Rocks! (Sara Hickman)

FamilyTimeRocksWould you like a really cool album? How about for free? Of course you would, 'cause, you know, really cool albumfor free. Well, Sara Hickman and her partners in crime Family Time Rocks! have just given you that opportunity with Family Time Rocks! The Universe. It's one of Hickman's products as part of her year as the 2010 Texas State Musician, and it's worth your time even if you've never said "y'all" once.

Given that it's designed to get families to be creative together, the stories told in a wide variety of languages probably won't hold a lot of repeat-listening value unless you're somewhat proficient in those languages, but there are some really great songs on the album, particularly as you get into it. It features the previously-noted-as-fabulous "Bananas," the rockin' "Turn it Off!" and much more. Download or stream it here or using the fancy widget below. And then go make up a song with your own family. [Edit: Lots of activities related to the album are here -- even the foreign-language stories have activities.]


Review: DVDs for Road Trips

I saw "for road trips" not because these are travel-themed but because there are seven of them. Seven seems like enough to get through at least a day or two of your drive across or through the country. Let's get to it, then.

FieldTripsWithRecessMonkey5-8.jpgI don't think the guys in Seattle's Recess Monkey actually sleep. They already release more CDs than just about anybody else, and now they're cranking out a DVD a year, too. Like their first volume, Field Trips with Recess Monkey Episodes 5-8 features a combination of band "field trips" (Sirius-XM studios, Ella Childs at Spare the Rock, illustrator Jarrett Krosoczka), live shows, and their stellar videos. The videos are the highlight of the DVD ("The Teens" and "Sack Lunch" in particular) -- should episodes 9 through 12 be in the works (knowing the trio, they probably are), the band should consider creating a menu that'll allow viewers to just access the videos. Recommended.

OrganicFarm.jpgThe Nields' Organic Farm DVD is, as you'd expect, an appealingly low-fi (dare I say "organic") affair. It's mostly a collection of tunes recorded in front of a live audience, and features the Nields singing a number of hits from their two family albums. As they were on record, the Nields sisters are joined by their father on a few songs. Among the non-live tracks are a couple songs showing how a parent or teacher might use a song as a simple teaching tool. It's a nice little bonus treat. Recommended.
SnacksTheDVD.jpgIf this strikes you as a potential TV show, it's because it is. Snacks, the concept, is the creation of Pennsyvania-based singer-songwriter Kevin Wiggins and New Jersey-based John Hulme. The concept of Snacks The DVD (2009) is... well, I'm not really sure what it is except that it involves sock puppets stealing cookies (I think they're called "The Munchies"), some fun pop-rock, and a mysterious creature called the "Norgle." It's all very low-budget, but not without charm and imagination. If you like the music (and I think a fair number of you will), many of the tunes are on the Feed Your Mind CD (though some predate it). Recommended.

BigBirdLittle Bird.jpgSara Hickman's Big Bird, Little Bird is basically her Newborn CD in DVD form. From a purely production standpoint, this is probably the highest quality disk reviewed here. Simply (and stylishly) animated in form, the videos are a good match for Hickman's warm and loving songs. The DVD also features parenting tips from Hickman, a certified parenting instructor. The tips will have a short shelf life, but the videos themselves may get views into preschool. Recommended, especially so for new parents.

ClapAndTap.jpgMeet the Instruments: Clap and Tap is, as you may have guessed, one of a series from Cathy Fink and Marcy Marxer. This particular DVD focuses on rhythm instruments from the simple (hand clapping and marching feet) to the more obscure (washboard, the limber jack). It's a pretty simple presentation -- Fink and Marxer sit on chairs in front of a plain background as they go through the various percussion explorations. It's geared pretty directly at toddlers and preschoolers and has the most pedagogical approach, so this isn't something you'd probably enjoy watching with your kids. But it's recommended for teachers and others who might want to share some early musical education concepts.

LiveInConcert.jpgFinally, if you've read this site for any length of time, you know how much we adore Texas' Biscuit Brothers, whose PBS show is the best show about music for kids on TV. The Brothers' 2009 Live in Concert disk is, as you might guess, a live show. Our family actually prefers the TV episodes to the live shows, so I'd probably recommend starting with one of the Go Make Music! collections for newcomers to the show. Still, longtime fans of the show will probably appreciate this collection of folk songs. (And for those Tiny Scarecrow fans out there [raises hand], there's a couple of bonus clip episodes, including "Tiny Scarecrow, This Is Your Life," featuring some of his greatest hits.)

GoMakeMusicVol3.jpgAnd, hey, here's the latest episode-based DVD! This late-2008 collection (Go Make Music Volume 3) includes 3 full episodes. At this point, they've had to move away from narrow concepts (tempo, dynamics) to broader ones on this disk (folk songs, music from around the world). Longtime listeners might think they've heard some of these songs before (and they have), but both newcomers current fans will appreciate the continued thoughtfulness and care put into the music and episodes themselves (e.g., stealing the "Daytripper" guitar riff for a Beatlesesque take on "She'll Be Coming Round the Mountain"). And any show that gives Sarah Jarosz five minutes to go through various musical styles on the mandolin is worth more than just five minutes. Recommended.

(Disclosure: I was provided with copies of all DVDs here for possible review, with the exception of Go Make Music Volume 3.)


Interview: Sara Hickman

Sara_blue_guitar_thumb.jpgThe question I wanted to ask Sara Hickman but didn't was, "So when do you sleep?" Because with all things Hickman does on a regular basis, it seems like the answer might be, "Every other Thursday between 2 and 3 AM in months with the letter 'e'." It starts out with the music -- she's been recording and touring for nearly a quarter-century (I always loved her debut Equal Scary People) and making music for families, starting with the release of Newborn in 1999, followed by Toddler and Big Kid. But in addition to that she paints, advocates, and for those of us who've met her, even briefly, is a force of nature for positivity.

Now she'll be spending the next year as the Official Texas State Musician, using her musical bully pulpit to promote, among other things, making music as families through her Family Time Rocks.

Aaaaaannnd, she found time to answer a few questions. Read on for more details on Family Time Rocks, her musical upbringing, and teaching her kids to sing in three-part harmony.

Zooglobble: What were your first musical memories?
Sara Hickman: My mom says I was singing before I was talking, humming little notes and melodies. But I distinctly remember sitting with my tape recorder, around age 6 or 7, and writing songs, making up commercials, creating skits a la Carol Burnett, recording and laughing myself silly. I also remember getting on stage at 7 or 8 and singing, for the first time, on a microphone (wow! -- it was an epiphany to be amplified!) and on stage, singing in a school contest and winning first place for the poem about the bald eagle (I was the only one to sing their entry). I recently found a RECORDING of me singing the song as a child on an old cassette!!!

When did you decide that you wanted to make making music your career?
I just always knew. I never thought about doing anything else, although I did have a huge interest in paleontology and becoming an underwater architect!

What prompted you record (and more importantly, release) your first kids' CD, Newborn?
The birth of my first daughter. I was always singing to her, and friends encouraged me to record the songs so they could share them with their children. There is a lot of love on that CD. I was in true awe that my daughter was someone in my life; a love like I'd never experienced.

What changes have you noticed in the kids' music "scene" (as it were) since its release?
Well, I guess I felt like I was sort of ahead of the deluge of music that came after my release. I mean, there had been others, of course, like Raffi and Mr. Rogers, people from the sixties on making music for newborns, and the Mozart music, of course, but I felt like my recording was an intimate creation for Lily (and friends)...then...Everyone in my age group started having children, and suddenly, it was the hip, fun thing to do.

I think what's changed is that there is a lot more choice and more respect in wanting to create innovative, intelligent music for kids and their families, and that's a terrific thing. It's also led to a revolution in more and more kids creating their own bands/recordings.

How did becoming the Official State Musician of Texas come about -- was it a total surprise?
I knew I had been nominated, but I was floored, and, yes, thrilled to receive such an amazing honor. When the Texas Commission on the Arts called to let me know I'd won, I laughed out loud when they stated, "Oh, and there's no money or a tiara, but you'll be in the history books..."

I was just stoked to be a recepient, especially since I'm following 2009-2010's winner, Willie Nelson.

ftrbanner-wlogo.gifWhat are your goals in your year as Official State Musician -- how does Family Time Rocks play a part?
My term starts in May 2010, so I've been prepping for it since last year when they first called. As a recepient, the State Legislature and the Texas Commission on the Arts don't expect us to do anything, but I wanted to be pro-active with the title and create awareness funding for non-profits that help bring art, music, theatre and creative writing into public schools, since our Legislature has drastically cut funding for those classes.

Thus, I thought it would be cool to create a few agendas for myself, one being Family Time Rocks!, a band with the branding "families who create together do great together." We are in the process of recording an album with songs and ideas from kids and parents interspersed throughout sharing what they like to do together creatively. We'll also be performing live shows, like the Houston International Festival and libraries, etc. We want to have creativity stations where families can fill up their Family Time Rocks! Box with things they create at our shows. When they aren't dancing or on stage -- singing with us! :) The band includes me, Jason Molin and Gray Parsons, two super enthusiastic and multiply-talented guys!!!

I'd also like to have the CD placed in kids' backpacks to take home and share with their families. My goal is to have the CD in schools' hands for dispersing beginning the fall 2010 school year.

Also, one other thing I am doing is a compilation cd of my songs performed by other Texas great musicians, and the sale of that CD is what will benefit Theatre Action Project and Big Thought, non-profits that fill the gap in schools with art, music, theatre, etc. Some of the artists recording are Ruthie Foster, Shawn Colvin, Joe McDermott, Marcia Ball, and, hopefully, Willie Nelson.

What things did you do with your daughter to encourage her musically? What musical things did you do with your daughter to encourage her in other, non-musical areas?
I always had musical instruments around for her to touch, bang on, experiment with, and sang sang sang ALL the time, even if just to announce I was choppin' cantaloupe. She and her sister (they are 13 and 9) can sing in harmony because I started out quietly singing in unison with them as children, and eventually, splitting off into a harmony. They got accustomed to the fact we were splitting apart, but still sounding harmonious, now we can do three part harmonies. I keep meaning to record us singing an a capella version of "Let It Be". We play a lot of music from around the world, too.

We like to go to museums and discuss what all was happening during the the period a certain work was created, what was in fashion or going on in politics or world history and also the symbolism of what is apparent and hidden symbolically. We paint our sidewalks, do chalk poetry on other people's driveways. Basically, we try as a family to share as much quality creative time as possible, from game night to the sort of messages we leave on our answering machine. Everything is a chance to leave your creative mark on this amazing world!

Sara_face-thumb.jpgYou've got a DVD in the works -- can you tell us a little bit about it?
It's animated shorts for Newborn, along with interstitials of my sharing parenting thoughts and ideas. I'm so thrilled because I had the opportunity to draw out frames for one of the songs, so it's my first time to create animation, too! Yee-ha!

What else is next for you?
I just finished my next adult CD Absence of Blame that will be out in the next few months, and I am finishing up producing 9 female Austn musician moms on a CD for wee ones called "Sweet Songs."

Then I plan to tour some more, and prep for a painting exhibit in Oct. 'tis all!!!

Photo credits: Todd Wolfson


Family Time Rocks Adds Dave Grohl

OK, not really.

But you know how I told you about Sara Hickman's long list of 2010 activities? And how Sara Hickman's been making music with Jason Molin?

Well, they'be been cranking out more demos. Yeah, the awesome "Bananas" is still there, along with some other demos, including "Family Time Rocks." What's that all about? Well, it has something to do with Family Time Rocks, Hickman's and Molin's attempt to use her status as Texas State Musician to get families to get more creative. (That website just has a splash page that doesn't do anything, but does have a Nov. 7 date. Hmmmm....)

Anyway, all that would be reason enough to post something and to be excited, but here's where I blow your minds, folks. Guess who's joining Family Time Rocks?

Doug Snyder. That's right, Jelly Doug, chief Jellydot (and whose Jelly Jukebox is expected to be released in a couple weeks) is going to be part of the Family Time Rocks. In alphabetical order, the lineup is:

Sara Hickman
Jason Molin
Gray Parsons (also from The Jellydots - Drums, Bass, Guitar)
Doug Snyder

This is very much a kids music supergroup, and if Dave Grohl can join Them Crooked Vultures while leading the Foo Fighters, why shouldn't Snyder join Family Time Rocks while leading the Jellydots?

The folks are multi-instrumentalists (ahem, just like Dave), so that could mean that everyone could play multiple instruments (not at the same time, but, hey, why not?) They could play not only their own songs, but be writing new ones. "We're all very excited about this!"

Doug, you're not the only one. And, Dave, I'm sure they'd be willing to let you play along. Call them.