KidVid Tournament 2009 Semi-Finals #1: The Jimmies vs. Mark Kozelek

Our first semi-final in KidVid Tournament 2009 features the Ella Jenkins Region's winner, The Jimmies' "Cool To Be Uncool," from their Make Your Own Someday CD and upcoming Trying Funny Stuff DVD, going up against the Leadbelly Region's winner, Mark Kozelek's "Bedtime Lullaby" (from the Yo Gabba Gabba! TV show).
Even if you know who you're going to vote for (and especially if you don't, natch), please watch both videos -- they're each excellent in their own ways.
Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments below, but the official results are based on the poll at the bottom of the page. One vote per household, please. Votes due by midnight tonight (Wednesday) East Coast time. And play nice!
The Jimmies - "Cool To Be Uncool"
Mark Kozelek - "Bedtime Lullaby"
(Sorry, folks, it's been pulled from YouTube since first posted. You'll have to go to Lippy's page for the video to watch it.)
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