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Entries in Yo Gabba Gabba! (42)


Monday Morning Smile: "Balloons" - The Postmarks (from Yo Gabba Gabba!)

I've featured a number of fine balloon-related songs and videos here on the site (see here, here, and here), and compared to the videos in there, this video from South Florida band The Postmarks is a bit bland. It's from season 1 of Yo Gabba Gabba!, and so a little old. But the song is so, so lovely.

The Postmarks - "Balloons" (from Yo Gabba Gabba!) [YouTube]


Behind the Scenes of a Yo Gabba Gabba! Episode

10_Foofa_shoot.jpgI got a nice note from Joel Fox last week. Who is Joel Fox, you might ask? Well, he creates visual effects for a little show you may have heard of... called Yo Gabba Gabba!. Yeah, that show.

In any case, he thought I (and by extension, you) might be interested in his recent behind-the-scenes look at the creation of a YGG episode, in particular, the recently-premiered episode "Nature." Fox not only created the visual effects for the episode, he also co-directed it.
What I was struck by in reading Fox's detailed description (and seeing his many annotated pictures, including the one above, used here with Fox's permission), is just how much work making a TV show is. I mean, I know that intellectually, and I've even interviewed folks who've said the same. But I didn't quite appreciate it before in the way Fox's entry makes clear. Seeing the amount of work that goes into making even 10 seconds of a show makes me kind of amazed that some major corporation is willing to spend the kind of money that Nick/Viacom does in order to allow someone to put a huge styrofoam mountain on a potting wheel and then green-screen the thing. Amazed in a "that's-pretty-cool" sort of way.

Also cool: Fox went out of his way to create a video for a kid whose appearance on the show was cut for time reasons.

Oak Sky, Glitter Vision from joel department on Vimeo.


Yo Gabba Gabba, Fresh Beat Band Get New Episodes

TheKillersYGG.jpgAnd the world, what? Rejoices? Shrugs? Little of both? I don't know.

Anyway, a little late with this news, but did want to note that a couple weeks ago, Nick and its many affiliated channels announced that it had picked up both The Fresh Beat Band and Yo Gabba Gabba! for new 13-episode seasons. That would be the third season for the four primary-colored human forms and the fourth season for the four primary-colored, er, whatever it is Brobee et al. are. There aren't any details on what sort of craaaaazy adventures each quartet will get themselves into (or what guests the YGG! folk will have). However, as YGG! co-creator Christian Jacobs noted in an interview, they've also been working on a movie script, so perhaps the additional episodes will give the script an added push as well. Anyway, given that it took them basically a year to debut Season 3 YGG! episodes after they approved production, expect DJ Lance and friends to come back for Season 4 in spring of 2012.

Photo Credit: Ben Clark/Nickelodeon


Yo Gabba Gabba Premiere Week. Again. (The Killers, Band of Horses, Jem, Dean & Britta)

TheKillersYGG.jpgI know some Yo Gabba Gabba! fans are frustrated with the pace of the airing of episodes from the show's third season, but 4 more shows are coming their way next month. The musical guests on this go-round? The Killers (though you'd never know that by the clip, as they're introduced by individual first names), Band of Horses, Jem, and Dean & Britta. All shows air at 1:00 p.m. ET/PT. Links to videos, including The Killers' "Spaceship Adventure" and episode summaries via Nick, are below. (Can I say "The Killers" again?)

Monday, Feb. 7 “Adventure”
Muno and friends go on an Indiana Jones style adventure! [Ed.: Hopefully it's one of the first couple adventures, you know, the fun ones.] They travel through a jungle under Gabbaland and find a golden treasure.

The Killers - “Spaceship Adventure” [Fliqz]

(OK, if you want the whole thing, just search it out on YouTube.)
Tuesday, Feb. 8 “Nature”
Toodee gets everyone to go camping. They hike, roast s’mores, and tell stories around the campfire. They meet their new friend Barbara (voiced by Marissa Jaret Winokur), and everyone earns a badge.

Band of Horses - “Out in Nature” [YouTube -- you'll remember they played this song at Kidzapalooza a couple years ago]

Wednesday, Feb. 9 “Big”
Brobee gets frustrated about being the little one, and he wants to know what it’s like to be big like DJ Lance. He accidentally switches places [Ed.: "accidentally"?] with DJ Lance and grows big, but Brobee has a hard time being like DJ Lance. DJ Lance and Brobee switch places again and everything is back to normal in Gabbaland.

Jem performs “Some Things Are Big, Some Things Are Small," but the only version on YouTube is a shaky version captured off the TV. So instead I'm going to embed an entirely different version of the same song by occasional recorder-of-music-for-wee-ones Jason Falkner premiered in the first season. The animation in this one? Super cute.

Jason Falkner - "Some Things Are Big, Some Things Are Small" [YouTube]

Thursday, Feb. 10, “Ride”
The Gabba gang has fun riding toys. Toodee goes surfing, Muno rides a skateboard (what? no car?), Plex go-carts, Foofa rides a bike with training wheels, Brobee rides a razor and DJ Lance roller-skates. Each of them wears a helmet for safety. [I will not read (or write) a funnier sentence all day.]

Dean & Britta - “Let’s Ride" [Stereogum]

Friday, Feb. 11 “Adventure” (ENCORE)

Photo Credit: Ben Clark/Nickelodeon


Interview: Christian Jacobs (Yo Gabba Gabba!)

Yo_Gabba_Gabba_23HR_lowres.jpgWhen characters you've created for a TV show start making appearances in Super Bowl ads, it's clear that your show has reached some decent level of cultural significance. So it is with Nick's Yo Gabba Gabba!, which is currently in it's third season, with a new episode, "Fairytale," premiering last week (Friday, Nov. 5th).

Crucial to its success, not only with kids and parents, but even amongst folks whose sippy-cup days are both far behind and ahead of them, are the musical guest stars -- the Roots, the Ting Tings, Sugarland, the Shins, and, on "Fairytale," the Flaming Lips. With the episode premiering on Friday and the Yo Gabba Gabba! Live tour making its way around the country, I thought it'd be a good time to talk with one of the show's creators, Christian Jacobs (that's him on the right there). The father of four chatted with me last week about his musical (and TV) childhood memories, Scooby Doo, and the difference between Tom Hanks and Anthony Bourdain.

Zooglobble: What are your earliest musical memories?
Christian Jacobs: Early on, my dad only 45s from the 1950s. Kinda wacky songs like "Alley Oop" or "Yackety Yak." There'd be songs that were like "news report" mixes, where they'd have spoken "news report" mixes interspersed with silly music, sort of like Dr. Demento. Children gravitate to the more silly things.

Then I listened to a lot of radio in the '70s -- DEVO, Blondie, the Clash, stuff that was different from what else was being played. I was drawn to the green hair, the spikes -- the media helped with that interest...
Yo_Gabba_Gabba_29HR_lowres.jpgHow about your TV memories?
A bunch: Sesame Street, Electric Company, ZOOM, Mr. Rogers... it was a golden age of kids TV. Daily feasts -- it was all new, there were no studies saying watching TV is bad. We'd watch PBS all day as a kid, then run outside.

It was really a different time as a kid. There was lots of freedom to be a kid without adult supervision. Those shows, that freedom, really resonated with a lot of parents our age. Yo Gabba Gabba! strikes that chord, I think, helps bring back that freedom.

Reminds me how I used to walk nearly a mile to my kindergarten along a relatively busy street... I don't think I'd let my kids walk that route today...
It was definitely a different time, yeah. I'd at least be a little scared. So with the show we're going backwards a little bit, trying to capture that feeling of imagination and freedom.

Was your conception of Yo Gabba Gabba! music always to include guest stars?
It definitely evolved. We wanted to have different musical styles represented in the show. But once we brought in Biz Markie in the pilot, we started thinking about about bands we could bring in. We were a little reluctant -- I remembered how a lot of times I'd just tune out the two-minute musical montage in Scooby Doo where they'd have some band. So how could we integrate the bands into the show? That's when we came up with the idea of the Super Friends Music Show, with the TV set. It was an organic thing.

YGG_FL_01HR_lowres.jpgHow has the process in getting artists change -- did you ever anticipate getting the Flaming Lips to be on the show?
In the beginning, we went to friends to fill in the gaps, or our own bands. And then we decided we'd send some requests to bands we liked. When folks like the Shins, and Cornelius, and Sugarland said "yes" right away, they made it OK.

With bands, managers or agents serve as a filter for requests; we'd actually written to the Flaming Lips when we first started and didn't hear back. But at some later point, they called and said, "We want to do this, we're fans, what can we do to be on the show?" At some point our schedules finally matched.

At this point bands that have been on the show are really big fans or have kids who are fans. They matched the show's energy level, they're giving really good performances.

I think that's a strength, actually -- you're not going to try to get somebody like Madonna because she's a big star. I mean, you had somebody like Jack Black on the show, and he's a star, but he fits with the show, and you're probably really big fans.
You know, I was talking with Tom Hanks at an awards show recently, which was by itself just cool. But he was saying, you know, my kids are grown now, I really don't know your show. Compare that to Anthony Bourdain, he was a huge fan, and came on the show. If he's not invested in the show, who cares about the performance?

How do you go about selecting the musical acts for the tour (since they're not always the same folks who've appeared on the show)?
Well, usually we start in the area. Like, who is local that could make an impact. It's hard to lock down people out on tour, for example. But we've had some great bands and guests on the tour and guests that have a local relevance to the cities.. Like Bootsy Collins in Cleveland, Run DMC from NYC, Zac Brown Band from Atlanta and so on. We always shoot for the moon, and sometimes we get really close!

What's up next for Yo Gabba Gabba generally?
We have our fingers crossed to start on a season 4 and we are working on a script for a movie. Pretty big plans for a pretty little preschool show! Ha!

Photo Nick Jr. (YGG cast w/ Christian Jacobs)
Photo Ben Clark/Nickelodeon. (Flaming Lips)