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Itty-Bitty Review: A Frog Named Sam - Ben Rudnick & Friends

FrogNamedSam.jpgI wouldn't say that Ben Rudnick & Friends march to their own drummer -- their music for kids and families isn't too far out of the mainstream, particularly for those families whose tastes run to the folk/jamband side of the genre. But they seem more than willing to play songs that they want to play, and if they happen to interest the kids, so be it. Their latest album, the recently-released A Frog Named Sam, is almost 2 EPs smooshed together. The first EP, so to speak, the first 6 songs, features songs that would sound more familiar on a typical kids' disk -- the "frog out of water" story "A Frog Named Sam," "Race Car" (which does a good job of conveying the thrill of pre-NASCAR racing), and "I Need A Hand." The last song is recycled from a previous Rudnick album, but who cares, because it's the goofiest track you'll hear all month.

The second EP, the last 5 tracks, are where the band pretty much decides they're bored with the kids' stuff and decide instead to record a folk music album; if the kids like it, so much the better. Now, anyone who responds positively to the phrase "Dan Zanes" will recognize the tracks -- "Erie Canal," "Old Joe Clark," even the original "The Santa Fe," written by band member John Zevos. They don't take many chances with the arrangement -- no Father Goose on "Old Joe Clark," for example -- but Rudnick and Friends have the slickest folk sound in the kids music field, so it's certainly a pleasant-enough spin. Kids ages 3 through 7 will enjoy the album most of all; you can listen to samples of the 33-minute album at its CDBaby page. If you're looking for shiny, poppy family music, Ben Rudnick probably isn't your man, but for a more earthy and rootsy take on music new and old, I think you'll like A Frog Named Sam. Recommended.

Reader Comments (3)

I have a 9 mo old at home who LOVES music and this CD is PERFECT! He dances around to the tunes while Mom and Dad sing along.

Ben Rudnick and Friends really nailed it and made a CD that the WHOLE family can enjoy!

This CD is one of our MUST HAVES on car rides. Right up there with diapers and his blankey! Another great thing about this CD is that it is one our little guy can grow up with. Great re-playability.
April 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterErin
We first saw Ben Rudnick and Friends in concert 1.5 years ago and our whole family has been addicted ever since. We have alot of kid's CDs between our 4.5 and 1.5 year olds, but they have been pretty much shelved for our ever growing Ben Rudnick collection. We have been listening to A Frog Named Sam, nearly non-stop, with each of us having our own personal favorite and all four of us knowing almost every song (imagine how cute it is to see your two kids singing in harmony together, dancing all over and having so much fun with music). Bottom line, A Frog Named Sam is an awesome CD, perhaps the best that Ben and Friends has ever recorded!
April 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterThe 4J's
"Fun and funky" is how I would describe Ben Rudnick and Friends' newest CD "A Frog Named Sam." Every song of this eclectic mix is upbeat and highly danceable, from the funky title song to the jazzy Three Fishies to the original jigs by Rudnick and John Zevos. My kids (ages 3 and 6) and I had so much fun dancing to this CD the first time we heard it that they asked me to play it again and we had no choice but to boogey from start to finish a second time. This in one CD that I'm happy to hit the "repeat play," button on!
April 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSD

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