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Kids Music Worth Airing!
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Borrow This Music (and Never Return It)

We're longtime library supporters (primarily usage, though we've been known to pay a late fine or four) here, so here's the first item this week in honor of National Library Week (April 12-18) and National Library Workers Day (April 14). To celebrate and recognize librarians everywhere Jim Cosgrove is releasing a pair of new singles – “Rockin’ The Library” and “Library Ann” (it took me a minute to get the pun there) -- AND offering free downloads of these two songs at his website from now until the end of National Library Week. The librarian in your life, particularly if they serve the children's section, will likely enjoy them, and even the non-librarians (read: your kids) will find them worth a virtual spin. To download, go to Cosgrove's store and enter the coupon code “read” at checkout.

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