Live Video: Mariana Iranzi

The toughest barrier Mariana Iranzi had to break at her KindieFest 2009 showcase was probably not so much language as much as it was familiarity. While many of the acts on the showcase were pretty well-known names to the industry crowd, Iranzi was more unfamiliar. She'd only released her album Aventura Collage earlier this year, so many folks might not have heard her before the showcase.
Having said that, Iranzi and her band indisputably rocked. She might have sung most of her songs in Spanish, but her set (just like her album) covered a much broader range of melodies and musical styles. At times it was like Belly was up there on stage, singing for kids (and in Spanish). I look forward to seeing (and hearing) what happens as Iranzi gets more experience playing (and writing) for kids.
Mariana Iranzi - "Bluesando"
Photo used with permission of J.P. Stephens from the band Lunch Money; visit him at Lumos Studio. Woot!
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