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So, the New Sarah Lee Guthrie / Johnny Irion Kids' CD Is Pretty Good...

GoWaggaloo_sm.jpgAside from a few scattered mentions, there's been relatively little news regarding Go Waggaloo!, the upcoming kids' album from Sarah Lee Guthrie and Johnny Irion.

Well, now that the album's got an official cover (there to the left in near thumbnail sizing), a press release, and a release date (October 27), you're probably going to hear quite a bit more about it. Still not impressed (many albums, after all, are released with, you know, an album cover, press release, and on an official date)? Well, it's being released on Smithsonian Folkways (perhaps you've heard her labelmates such as Ella Jenkins, Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger, or Elizabeth Mitchell?). Oh, did I mention Sarah Lee Guthrie is Woody Guthrie's granddaughter, and she records new music for three of her grandfather's lyrics, a la Mermaid Avenue. Did I mention that Pete Seeger plays on the album?

Well, there's another reason I'm particularly excited...
In a very small way, I'm now forever linked to the Smithsonian Folkways tradition, because the album features some notes from yours truly. OK, in the grand scheme of the album's liner notes, I'm pretty sure I rank a distant third behind Guthrie and Irion's song notes, and Guthrie's dad Arlo's introduction, but I'm there just the same, and I'm pleased as punch to be there.

For obvious reasons, I'm not going to be reviewing the album, but it's a fun album (otherwise I wouldn't have written the notes) and I think families will get a kick out of it. I did.

Note: more details here.

Reader Comments (4)

That's great, Stefan! Hope to hear the record soon (-ish).

I'm sure the record is great, but I have to admit, when they signed Elizabeth Mitchell, I'd hoped they'd add more kid folk to their label. I can think of a bunch of artists that would be fitting who are not related to a Guthrie or a Seeger (not meant to be a comment on the current album's merit, rather Smithsonian Folkway's choices). But another folk record for kids is great!
August 24, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterdebinsf
Dear Debinsf,

I work for the U.S. national museum's audio archive collection and nonprofit record label. My take is that we're always looking for children's music artists whose work flows in the same river as the progressive or multicultural voices of such as Charity Bailey (Little Red Schoolhouse), Ella Jenkins, and more recently Liz Mitchell and now Sarah Lee Guthrie with family and friends. If you know of a "bunch of artists" who would fit, please write to me directly, my e-mail address is on the Folkways staff list! Thanks for your comment.
August 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAtesh
Deb, I think the Smithsonian's educational mission also plays a role. Not saying that Recess Monkey isn't educational, but they're probably not the best fit for Folkways.

Except for Mayor Monkey. That guy needs his own record pronto.
August 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterStefan
Well, I wasn't exactly thinking of Recess Monkey - as much as I love them. And now, feeling challenged (in a good way), perhaps "a bunch" was an overstatement. But I will email Atesh. How nice of him to give me the opportunity!
August 27, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterdebinsf

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