Yo Gabba Gabba! Gabba!: Season Two Ends Oct. 12th-16th

In advance of the Yo Gabba Gabba! album being released on Oct. 20th comes word that Season Three the last episodes of Season Two of the TV show will debut the week of October 12th. Musical guests that week include the Roots (yes! "Lovely, Love My Family" finally gets airtime in an actual episode), MGMT, Renee Oliver, Lady Tigra, and Little Ones. And of course Biz Markie and Mark Mothersbaugh return.
Beyond that, you've got Andy Samberg doing whatever it is he does. Gufffaws will ensue. Presumably.
A list of episodes (all episodes are at 1 PM Eastern time) and a behind-the-scenes video featuring MGMT after the jump.
Monday, Oct. 12 --“Family”
Tuesday, Oct. 13 -- “Art”
Wednesday, Oct. 14 -- “Boat”
Thursday, Oct. 15 – “Band”
Friday, Oct. 16– “Dress Up”
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