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Yo Gabba Gabba! Live... in Fort Wayne, Indiana?

AmareYGG.jpgReally. Sure, the Yo Gabba Gabba! folks went and hit NYC and LA, but now Yo Gabba Gabba Live is hitting the nation's breadbasket, with March shows lined up for Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Toronto (listening to live music is awesome, eh?), Cincinnati, St. Louis, and, yes, Fort Wayne, Indiana, population, just over a quarter million (with an MSA total of almost 400,000). For those of us in Phoenix (5th largest city in America, 4.3 million in the MSA), seeing shows like this go to Fort Wayne and not Phoenix (I know, this isn't a southwest tour, but you get my point) is just another reminder of how messed up the live music market here is. Maybe if they came here, Amare Stoudamire would join them on stage. Assuming he doesn't get traded soon.

Anyway, the NYC and LA shows had some pretty cool live guests (Dinosaur Jr., Snoop Dogg, the Roots), so I'll be curious to see who -- if anyone -- joins the fun in these slightly less major media markets. Tickets go on sale this week -- tour dates after the jump.
-- Minneapolis, MN - Saturday, March 13th - U.S. Bank Theater at Target Center - 3:00 PM
-- Milwaukee, WI - Sunday, March 14th - Riverside Theater - 2:00 PM and 5:00 PM
-- Toronto, ON - Tuesday, March 16th & Wednesday, March 17th - Elgin Theatre - 11:00 AM and 3:00 PM
-- Fort Wayne, IN - Friday, March 19th - Embassy Theatre - 11:00 AM and 4:00 PM
-- Cincinnati, OH - Saturday, March 20th - Aronoff Center for the Arts - 2:00 PM and 5:00 PM
-- St. Louis, MO - Sunday, March 21st - Fox Theater - 2:00 PM and 5:00 PM

Reader Comments (6)

Thanks for the information on the Yo Gabba Gabba shows. I must take umbrage, however, that Fort Wayne is any less of a market than other cities. I think it's great that Nickelodeon has taken the "risk" of coming to a moderately-sized market! Living in Lansing, Michigan, I find it incredibly difficult to take my sons to kids' music concerts because the Midwest, save for Chicago, seems to be completely off the map of all but a few performers (Bill Harley--we enjoyed the show in Ann Arbor). Perhaps the Yo Gabba Gabba audience in Ft. Wayne will surprise organizers and inspire other productions to look at the vast area incompassing Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan as viable venues. In the mean time, I believe a road trip is on the calendar for March...
January 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterChristine Hoque
Oh, hey, Christine, I totally agree that these touring productions should be hitting more mid-sized locales like Fort Wayne.

I was just more noting that Phoenix -- 10 times larger than Fort Wayne, with a MSA larger than any of the US cities on the list -- can't get these kinds of shows. Seems like Phoenix should be less of a risk than Fort Wayne, but there are other issues, both known by me and not, that make that not necessarily the case.
January 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterStefan
I believe that DJ Lance is from St Louis originally so it makes sense that the show would go there. Maybe the show gets better ratings in the Ohio Valley than it does in the Southwest.
January 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterChristine W
Cincinnati? Wow!
January 26, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAmberly
We live in Michigan and were travling this Friday to see Yo Gabba Gabba Live in Indiana- it's a little hike maybe 3 hours but were ready to go!!! :)
March 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLisa
We took a trip to Ft Wayne this past weekend but it would've definately been nice to have a party in our city; Grand Rapids. However, it was a great show and I'd do it again.
March 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHeather Ehlert

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