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Share: "Family Time Rocks! The Universe" - Family Time Rocks! (Sara Hickman)

FamilyTimeRocksWould you like a really cool album? How about for free? Of course you would, 'cause, you know, really cool albumfor free. Well, Sara Hickman and her partners in crime Family Time Rocks! have just given you that opportunity with Family Time Rocks! The Universe. It's one of Hickman's products as part of her year as the 2010 Texas State Musician, and it's worth your time even if you've never said "y'all" once.

Given that it's designed to get families to be creative together, the stories told in a wide variety of languages probably won't hold a lot of repeat-listening value unless you're somewhat proficient in those languages, but there are some really great songs on the album, particularly as you get into it. It features the previously-noted-as-fabulous "Bananas," the rockin' "Turn it Off!" and much more. Download or stream it here or using the fancy widget below. And then go make up a song with your own family. [Edit: Lots of activities related to the album are here -- even the foreign-language stories have activities.]

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