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Nickolodeon's Mega Music Fest: Biggest Mashup Ever

LaurieBerknerInConcert.jpgWhat do you get when you cross Yo Gabba Gabba! with the Laurie Berkner Band and Colbie Caillat? Synergy!

Or, at least, that's what Nickolodeon believes, as they announced yesterday the first-ever "Mega Music Fest." (Note to self: "Mega" is no longer a prefix, apparently. It's a word unto itself.) On May 22 at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, the channel will be hosting the concert and taping it for a prime-time special this summer. In addition to the folks above, the concert will feature Wycleaf Jean, the Roots, Dora the Explorer, and the Fresh Beat Band, along with Sherri Shepherd and John Leguziamo. Caillat, Jean, and the Roots will apparently be performing duets with the other folks.

For those of you thinking that this would make for a fun live concert experience, you're going to have to know people -- there's no mention of the concert on the BAM calendar even though it's just ten days before the concert.

I'm 99% sure that Caillat, Jean, and the Roots will be performing with the Nickolodeon folks, but would it be too much to ask for at least a Roots/Berkner performance? (Yes, apparently it would.)

Photo credit: Todd Owyoung

Reader Comments (3)

Laurie is taping her performance the day before, since she has a concert in Philly on the 22nd - so no Roots duet :(
May 12, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSarah Geist Rosen
Are we really excited about this?
May 12, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTor
Tor -- Short answer: no. (Especially since the most intriguing combo -- Laurie and, well, any of those artists whose name is no Colbie Caillat -- ain't gonna happen.)

Slightly longer answer: I find it interesting that a) Viacom was interested in doing it, but b) not interested in doing it in any way that would suggest this as an ongoing touring (or residency) venture.

Don't worry, Tor, I still got cred.
May 12, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterStefan

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