Share: "Gimme Some Pancakes" - The Boogers

Who doesn't love free pancakes? I love pancakes, especially the free ones! Warm, with a little maple syrup, maybe with some butter on top. (Or some peanut butter for variety's sake.)
And so I think that it's AWESOME that kids punk band The Boogers are offering their fans free pancakes for the price of an e-mail. I mean, how great is that? You give them your e-mail address, and they send you PANCAKES. All the way from Illinois!
[whisper, whisper]
Oh, it's not actual pancakes? It's a song about pancakes? Sigh. I mean, yeah, the new song rocks, and, yes, you can get "Gimme Some Pancakes" for the price of an e-mail. (And, yeah, Crusty and the crew are workin' on a new album for 2012.) But now I'm hungry.
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