Three Flag Day Videos

Today -- June 14 -- is Flag Day, a holiday which, though minor in the greeting card scheme of things, looms large in the imaginations of kids music artists. (Why doesn't Thanksgiving get the same respect?) Here are three Flag Day videos to get you in a patriotic summertime mood.
First up, it's Billy Kelly, with a new video for "That Old American Flag," off his most recent album The Family Garden. It's a straight-up, un-ironic tribute to the flag and his dad. Added bonus of the video -- revealing one of Billy's secret talents. It's, er, singular in nature (watch 'til the end).
Bill Kelly - "That Old American Flag" [YouTube]
Next up is DidiPop, with "Flag Day," with a historical look at the flag. (I really like the hand-drawn flag in the middle of video.)
DidiPop - "Flag Day" [YouTube]
Finally, an oldie (comparatively) but goodie from Yosi (or, rather, a couple of young girls singing his song)...
Yosi - "My Flag" [YouTube]

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