Even More Halloween Songs and Videos

Like all good (or is it bad) scary movies, my original Halloween music post for 2011 spawned not just one sequel, but has, with this post, become a full-on trilogy.
Chuck Cheesman has offered up his Halloween song "Halloween Freak Out!" from his latest album Dancing With No Shoes On as a free download for the next few days (and, really, who would want to listen to it on, say, Nov. 2nd?). Note: actual freaking out during the song is minimal. The download is available at the the top of this page.
Baze and His Silly Friends are offering up a free download of their 2009 song "Scare Me, Scare You."
Number of times "scary" is in the title = 2. Actual level of scariness = 0.1 (but that's OK!)
Download the track here or via the widget below.
DidiPop has a jazzy take on the season. Number of jazzy Halloween albums = 0? Number of jazzy Christmas albums = approaching infinity. And now, you can download the tune for free.
DidiPop - "Goblins" [YouTube]
Finally, Gooney Bird Kids and the Sounds Sweet Show both have big Halloween playlists/podcasts up. You can check out Gwyneth's 52-song stream here and David's podcast here.