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Monday Morning Smile: "They Don't Know" - Tracey Ullman

OK, this "Monday Morning Smile" is being posted on Tuesday, but I view it sort of like recycling pick-up -- if your regular day falls on a holiday, then it happens the next day, right?

There's nothing kid-focused about this song and video from Tracey Ullman, but it's a fabulous cover of the late Kirsty MacColl's "They Don't Know" by Tracey Ullman. Ullman signed to the British punk label Stiff to release You Broke My Heart in 17 Places in 1983, and, even more oddly, generated actual pop hits from this album. She anticipated the British retro-wave by, what, 25 years, and this song, which I saw about 47,000 times on MTV (actual number), still holds up. That "bay-ee-bee" just before the final verse? MacColl herself. (You can listen to MacColl's original 1979 recording here.)

Tracey Ullman - "They Don't Know" [YouTube]

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