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    « KidVid Tournament 2012: Lucky Diaz vs. Suzi Shelton | Main | Video: "Box of Crayons" - The Pop Ups »

    KidVid Tournament 2012: Todd McHatton vs. Princess Katie & Racer Steve

    After a fun couple days of Elite Eight competitions for KidVid Tournament 2012, it's time for the Final Four.

    The first Final Four matchup features a couple of Cinderella squads.  For at least half of the matchup, that's actually a decent description as it pits the Woody Guthrie Region winner, the #4 seed Princess Katie & Racer Steve's "Sand in My Sandwich" against the Ella Jenkins Region winner, the #6 seed Todd McHatton's "I Think I'm a Bunny."

    So, watch both videos below -- even if (especially if) you came here intending to vote for a specific video.  One vote per family by 8:30 PM West Coast time tonight.  Play nice, y'all -- this isn't worth getting hot'n'bothered about.  Most importantly, have fun!

    Princess Katie & Racer Steve - "Sand in My Sandwich" [YouTube]

    Todd McHatton - "I Think I'm a Bunny" [YouTube]