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« Video: "Shoo Lie Loo" - Elizabeth Mitchell | Main | Radio Playlist: New Music July 2012 »

Video: "Inner Child Rock" - Mista Cookie Jar & the Chocolate Chips

I'm posting this video from Los Angeles' Mista Cookie Jar and the Chocolate Chips for two reasons:

1) The song -- "Inner Child Rock" from their fine album Ultramagnetic Universal Love Revolution -- is one of the more ear-wormy pieces I've heard in kindie music in some time.  I'm sure there are some folks for whom it is ear-wormy in a bad way, but for me, I think it's great.  They could've done a video in MS Paint and I'd've probably featured it.

2) But they didn't do a video in MS Paint.  The video, loosely themed as it is, totally reflects the hypercolorful, multi-cultural vibe Mista Cookie Jar and his music have.  You could spend four minutes with this and completely understand the MCJ universe.  And probably dance a bit.

Mista Cookie Jar & the Chocolate Chips - "Inner Child Rock" [YouTube]

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