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Entries in KC Jiggle Jam (5)


The Ketchup Report, Vol. 7

I see a lot of stuff. I don't always have time for a separate post. Here, then, is a collection of random pieces of information -- videos, downloads, news -- that never made it into its own neatly-titled post.

-- Aaron Nigel Smith is offering up a free mp3 of his song "In a Book," a slow reggae jam not featured on his forthcoming Let's Pretend album. Pick it up here.

Los Plumabits-- I'd read somewhere -- probably a comment on its Facebook page -- that there was going to be a Kidzapalooza in Chile this year. That struck me as odd, but sure enough, yes, there is. April 2nd and 3rd, while Lollapalooza entertains a whole bunch of folks in Santiago, acts such as Achú, Cuchara, Fractal + Joe Vanconcellos, Los Pulentos, Los Plumabits, and Magictwins will be rocking the Kidza stage (though in the case of the Magictwins, I'm not sure "rock" is the word, even though they rock... magically). Kidzapalooza co-founder Tor Hyams reports he is indeed making the trek down to South America to produce the stage, a trek which makes the cross-country flights folks like Hyams and myself will make for Kindiefest seem like small potatoes.

And, Tor, please see what you can do about bringing Los Plumabits -- featured on a Chilean kids' TV show which seems to be somewhat analagous to Yo Gabba Gabba! -- to the States.

Los Plumabits - "Disco Laser" [YouTube]

More -- much more -- after the jump.
-- We're big fans of the KC Jiggle Jam 'round here, and they recently announced their lineup for Memorial Day weekend (May 28 and 29). The lineup was strong enough as it was -- Justin Roberts, the Verve Pipe, Okee Dokee Brothers, Brady Rymer, Funky Mama, Mayor of Kansas City (it seems like) Jim "Stinky Feet" Cosgrove, and more -- but they added one more via voting on their Facebook page. A nifty idea, I thought, which led to the Not-Its joining the lineup. For the price -- $15 for both days -- it's a great deal.

-- First Seattle, then Los Angeles, then San Francisco, and now Portland, Oregon. A bunch of Portland's family musicians are banding together for a couple shows on April 23 and 30. See folks like Matt Clark, The Alphabeticians, and Mo Phillips on the cheap. More details here.

-- I have wanted to mention the newsletter LA kids' musician Groovy David does on a weekly basis because I think it's an example of the way musicians can create community even without doing shows together and so forth. His newsletter features links to family-friendly activities, interesting sights on the web, and links to his podcast. The podcast features interviews with other kindie artists and often new songs (I heard a new song from the Jimmies a while back). If interested in getting on the list, send an e-mail to soundssweetshow AT gmail DOT com.

-- Morgan Taylor, creator of Gustafer Yellowgold, has been releasing a series of entertaining "behind-the-scenes" videos. Today's release looks at pterodactyl evolution. At least in animation. (Plus also: a look at the very first Gustafer Yellowgold product, dating all the way back to 2004.)

-- Finally, two videos: The first is from Chuck Brown and the Chuckleberries and the second is from Groove Kid Nation. Both will amuse your kids, I think.

Chuck Brown and the Chuckleberries - "Yellowberry Jam" [YouTube]

Groove Kid Nation - "Itsy Bitsy Spider" [YouTube]


It's Spring, So Kids Music Series Are Spreading Like Weeds

But good weeds, of course.

I would be remiss after talking about my set of kids music series here in Arizona if I didn't mention some of the other great musical stuff taking place next month and on into the summer in other parts of the country. While I'm not sure it was ever true to say "it's so hard to find recordings of great kids music," it's certainly not true in the 21st century, and it's increasingly not true when it comes to seeing it live.

Kindiefest_small.jpgI'm of course heading to Brooklyn for Kindiefest in just a couple weeks and while it's primarily an industry conference, the public festival on Sunday, May 2 (from noon to 4) is excellent. At New York prices, Ralph's World, Bill Harley, Secret Agent 23 Skidoo, and Recess Monkey would probably be worth the $15 entry fee by themselves, but instead you get all of 'em, plus the Royal Order of Chords and Keys and Clementown. Not one of 'em based in NYC, either. Tickets are here.

I'm always excited to see other folks take further steps of their own into the kids music world, so I was glad to see Jeff Bogle from Out With the Kids start his own concert series in suburban Philadelphia. He's kicking it off with Chicago's Laura Doherty on Sunday, May 9 (3 pm) and Randy Kaplan just 6 days later on Saturday, May 15 (with the Deedle Deedle Dees coming in June). Randy's played Phoenix a couple times, and the Dees once, so I know Jeff's gonna have a great time with his series.

I'm obviously a big fan of Kansas City's Jiggle Jam Festival and while this year's lineup doesn't quite reach the heights of last year's, it's pretty darn close, with folks like Ralph's World, Secret Agent 23 Skidoo, the Jimmies, Terence Simien and the Zydeco Experience, and Sugar Free Allstars joining the strong KC contingent of Mr. Stinky Feet, Funky Mama, and more. Y'know, the more I think about that lineup, maybe it is just as good as last year. And you can't beat the price... $8 in advance (per day), $15 per weekend. Memorial Day weekend, Saturday the 29th and Sunday the 30th.

Finally, heading into summer, Bill Childs has put together a nice little lineup of family-friendly artists to play the "River Meltdown Camp" at the Green River Festival in Massachusetts July 17 and 18. It includes Elizabeth Mitchell, Sarah Lee Guthrie & Johnny Irion, The Nields, the Deedle Deedle Dees, Starfish, and lots lots more.

So, yeah, if you say you can't find good music to enjoy with your kids in a live setting, it's really mostly your own fault at this point...


Interview: The KC Jiggle Jam

JiggleJam08TMBG.jpgReminder: Go here by tonight for a chance to win free Jiggle Jam stuff -- you don't have to live anywhere near KC to enjoy the shirt, hat, and compilation CD!

I was totally impressed with the lineup for the 2009 KC Jiggle Jam, to be held this upcoming Memorial Day weekend. When I saw Jeni and Jim Cosgrove at KindieFest 2009 in Brooklyn a couple weeks ago, having as much fun if not more so than the kids on hand, I had some small idea of the enthusiasm and passion the two of them bring toward putting together a most excellent kids music festival. But I also wanted to get a sense of just how much work and planning putting on an event like takes. So I decided to ask them (in the midst of their final preparations). Jeni and Jim, along with Keli Wenzel, answered a few questions about Jiggle Jam's past, present, and future...

Zooglobble What was the genesis of the Jiggle Jam?
Jeni Cosgrove: Jiggle Jam Family Music Festival is a non-profit, 501c3 agency committed to gathering generations and communities together to experience musical performances and educational activities in a positive atmosphere that the entire family can enjoy.

The idea of Jiggle Jam began with three people who shared the same vision, Jim and Jeni Cosgrove and Keli O'Neill Wenzel. Jim has been leading the children's music scene in Kansas City for more than a decade. Jeni Cosgrove has been there right beside him as a wife, booking agent, tour manager, and event planner. Jeni had successfully organized five smaller children's music festivals prior to Jiggle Jam. Keli Wenzel works under the umbrella of O'Neill Communications, a public relations, marketing and event management firm. Keli is also the Executive Director of the highly successful Kansas City Irish Fest -- the city's biggest and most awesome festival.

After casually discussing a family music fest for several years, the three of us finally sat down together one day in September 2007, and decided to make it a reality. Crown Center, a shopping, dining, and hotel complex adjacent to the headquarters for Hallmark Cards, gave us the push we needed. They too wanted to see some kind of family festival on their grounds. They knew Keli made it happen with Irish Fest, and they knew Jim and I could pull together some of the best acts in children's music.

Jim Cosgrove: Jeni and I produced our own music fest -- Family Peace Jamboree -- for three years. It was all local acts performing on a big stage in a local school parking lot. It was successful (about 1,000 people the first year) and a lot of work. Just when we decided we couldn't do it by ourselves anymore, Hallmark/Crown Center approached Keli and us about creating a signature event for them.

Crown Center has the perfect festival facilities. Keli knows festivals (and how to squeeze corporate dollars) better than anyone. Jeni and I know family music, and we know what families want and how artists deserved to be treated. It's a winning combination.

Jeni: The three of us reached out to more close friends and formed a tight board of directors who pounded the pavement, reached out to the community, and made the details come together. It's a team effort.
How many folks attended the first Jiggle Jam in 2008?
Jeni: The inaugural Jiggle Jam Family Music Fest at Crown Center was tons of fun. It took place over Memorial Day Weekend 2008. The entertainment was fabulous, and the turnout (23,000 kids, moms, dad, aunts, uncles, grandparents and friends!) was fantastic. Kids and parents listened to great music (including a crowd of over 6000 just for They Might Be Giants), bounced on the inflatables, participated in the workshops and left with huge smiles on their faces. Jiggle Jam sold over 100 hotel rooms at the sponsoring hotels, with visitors coming from 16 states.

What did you learn about festivals from last year's festival, and how did that change -- if at all -- what you did for this second go-round?
Jim: I learned (yet again) that you can't please everyone, so don't fret trying. And if something works, don't tweak it too much. When guys like Tom Chapin and Keith and Ezra from Trout (who have 30 + years of experience in family entertainment) tell you that this is the best festival they've EVER been to, then we must have done something well. Jeni's good about reminding me to keep doing what works and keep doing what we do well.

Keli Wenzel: There were few surprises because of our knowledge and experience with outdoor festivals. All along we knew that we were targeting much smaller children and hoped to add more "tween" attractions. This year we have tweaked the American Heart Association tent to gear more towards the older children, with Dance, Dance Revolution, line dance lessons, play station corner and musical chairs. In addition we added a activity area that will have a group called Theatre of Imagination orchestrate rock videos, as well as Funky Munkey music that will have instrument lessons. Other than that, we did not change much - just preparing for larger crowds

May2008JiggleJam.jpgDo you have any guess as to what percentage of the attendees were there primarily to see the "national" acts (e.g., TMBG) and what percentage were there primarily to see the more regional acts (e.g., Jim, Funky Mama, etc.)?
Jeni: It was definitely a combination. I strongly believe that without the local acts, we might not have drawn as big of a crowd. Kansas City has an emerging family music scene that reflects the flavor of the Midwest. Our local acts like Funky Mama, Dino O'Dell, The Doo-Dads, Bongo Barry, The Jazz Storytellers, and Jim Cosgrove all have their different followings. We knew each act would attract a crowd even if we did not have a national act like TMBG. But, while we had Kansas City's attention, we wanted to add some surprises into the mix. So, we looked for bands that had a following in Kansas City, and that people did not normally have the chance to see on a regular basis, like Justin Roberts, TMBG, Trout, etc. Some people came out not knowing some of the national acts, but they felt this must be something good if all the local acts were involved.

What do you and the Jiggle Jam board look for when finding artists?
Jeni: The acts we book truly reflect the various tastes of our board, which we feel represents what the communities want to see. We look for acts that are energetic and will get families up and dancing together. This is not a festival where the entertainment is just for kids. The whole idea is that families participate in the concert experience together. We also look for acts that provide interactive and educational programs for our "Kool-skool" workshop tents.

Jim: My philosophy has always been that I am not the star of the show -- the kids are the stars of the show. And I like to find other entertainers who perform with that in mind.

Do you have any estimate of the number of work hours the organizers (ie., you and the rest of the board) put in order to make the festival happen?
Jenil: Hundreds (perhaps thousands) of hours go into organizing Jiggle Jam. I don't think anyone has totaled up the hours. But, I can tell you from September - May we work on Jiggle Jam daily. By February we are meeting 2-3 times a month as a board and committee. Keli and I are in contact with each other weekly, and sometimes daily from March until the day of the festival. From April - May I will spend several hours a day on Jiggle Jam-related work.

Jim: More hours than most people would be willing to not get paid for.

JiggleJam3.jpgWhat aspirations do you have for Jiggle Jam in the future?
Jeni: We want to show Kansas City that Jiggle Jam will continue to provide affordable family entertainment that rocks, whether they are national, local, or emerging acts.

Jim: We want to make Kansas City a cradle of solid family music. We want people to think of KC as the home of good barbeque, swinging jazz, and awesome family music. We've got our own solid home-grown scene here now, and we want to continue to attract regional and national acts. And we're centrally located, so it's easy to drop by.

I think we'll see Jiggle Jam continue to grow as a destination event for families from all over the country.

Keli: We also want to grow it to be a regional destination for families on Memorial Day weekend. So far we have booked over 175 rooms at the hotel and still counting. We want Jiggle Jam to become one of Kansas City's favorite festivals.


Contest: Win Some Jiggle Jam Stuff!

JiggleJam3.jpgLast year, I was a pretty big fan of the KC Jiggle Jam. When the lineup was announced about a month ago, I became an even bigger fan, saying "it's just a question as to whether the Jiggle Jam is the best family music lineup this year or the best family music lineup ever."

Well, even if you can't make it to the KC Jiggle Jam, held Memorial Day weekend (May 23-24, 2009), you can still take in the show vicariously. The good folks at the Jiggle Jam have offered up a prize pack to a lucky Zooglobble reader that even folks stuck in Antarctica for the next six months can take advantage of. One lucky reader will win a t-shirt, hat, and a compilation CD featuring most of the Jiggle Jam artists. To enter, write a comment below with (may as well help out the Jiggle Jam folks) the one thing besides the music that a kids music festival absolutely must have. All entries due by 11 PM Central Daylight Time Monday night; one entry per family, please. I'll pick the winner randomly. Thanks and good luck.

(PS -- Unfortunately, I can't go -- I'm going camping -- but Jeff from Out With The Kids is. Lucky guy.)


KC Jiggle Jam 2009: Are They UNC Men's or UConn Women's Basketball Team?

Now, it's obvious to many that my 2008-2009 University of North Carolina Tar Heel men's basketball team was the best in the country (ranked #1 for a good portion of the year, won the NCAA Tournament with each win in double-digits), but hey, they did lose 4 games, so it's not an open-and-shut case. The University of Connecticut women's basketball team? They not only won the Tournament, but they were undefeated, winning every game all year by double-digits. Amazing, maybe the best team ever.

So last year's KC Jiggle Jam was pretty impressive: They Might Be Giants, Justin Roberts, Trout Fishing in America, plus regional favorites like Jim Cosgrove (who drew the biggest crowd of the weekend), Funky Mama, and Dino O' Dell. Clearly in the top echelon of festival lineups -- maybe a Memphis men's team.

This year? My goodness. All those folks listed above are coming back plus Dan Zanes, Brady Rymer, Recess Monkey, and regional favorites The Doo-Dads and Sugar Free All-Stars (and more). For, er, $8 per kid ($10 at the door) and $5 per adult.

I'm sorry, but the competition is over. While what I've heard about the Kidzapalooza and Austin Kiddie Limits stages for this summer and fall suggests that that's going to be a pretty good time, too, at this point it's just a question as to whether the Jiggle Jam is the best family music lineup this year or the best family music lineup ever. If you're anywhere near Kansas City this Memorial Day weekend (Saturday, May 23rd and Sunday, May 24th), get yourself down there.