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Kids Music Worth Airing!
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Entries in Salteens, The (3)


Itty-Bitty Review: Kid Songs - Salteens

KidSongs.jpgThis is the year of the kids music EP, apparently. First Haley Bonar, then Lucky Diaz -- now Vancouver's Salteens complete the trifecta of excellent family EPs with Kid Songs.

Most folks will probably come to Salteens via Yo Gabba Gabba! -- two of the songs have appeared on the show and another two were written and recorded for it as well. "I'm So Happy" is a giddy romp that will bring smiles to everyone, including and especially fans of The New Pornographers' throw-in-the-kitchen-sink arrangements. (Yes, there's an indie-pop formula at work, and I hope they don't lose it.) "Be Nice To Animals" lopes along sweetly, with just enough giddiness and over-the-top sincerity to make it listenable repeatedly. The band, recognizing the popularity of those two songs given their visibility, has shrewdly made those two songs only available via an $8 physical CD (which includes four other songs); if you just want the other four songs, you can get those digitally without those two songs for just $3.50. Those other four range from OK (the reflective "I Love My Cat") to pretty darn good ("All My Friends Are Different"). The purposefully emotional "Have a Nap Mom" is funny, but sounds out of place here with its wise beyond his years narrator and winking tone -- the rest of the album is so eager and earnest.

The EP is most appropriate for kids ages 2 through 6. You can listen to (and from there buy) the 4 digital tracks below (or here), and listen here for "I'm So Happy" and here for "Be Nice To Animals." Salteens have successfully dipped their toes into the family music water with Kid Songs and the only question, really, is whether you should get the 4-song or the 6-song version. I vote 6-song version -- so fun and definitely recommended.

Disclosure: I was provided a copy of the album by the band's press folks for possible review.

<a href="">Kid Songs by The Salteens</a>


Video: "Be Nice To Animals" - Salteens (from Yo Gabba Gabba!)

This video from Salteens, with animation for Yo Gabba Gabba! is so cute it makes me want to pinch its cheeks and say, "aaaaawwww, you're so cute! Yes, you are!" Maybe it wasn't quite the Salteens song fans wanted on the first YGG compilation, but the video is ten tons of awesome. (And if you think it starts out too cute, just give it a little time -- it finds a nice balance.)

Salteens - "Be Nice To Animals" (from Yo Gabba Gabba!) [YouTube]


New Music From Yo Gabba Gabba. (Sorta. Kinda.)

I've already talked about the new Yo Gabba Gabba! CD coming out next week, but you don't have to wait 'til then to get some YGG-related tunes.

Vancouver's The Salteens have released two new songs they recorded for the show. If you follow that link and give 'em an e-mail address, you'll instantaneously start downloading two tracks they recorded for the show -- "All My Friends" and "Count on my Hands." Of the two, "All My Friends" is the poppier and more straight-forward song; "Count" is a little more didactic, but cute in its own way. One of the songs, according to lead singer Scott Walker, was used in the current Season Two, but with different lyrics.

On a side note, Salteens fans will be a bit disappointed with the forthcoming CD as the wrong Salteens song will be on disk. Apparently everyone loves "I'm So Happy I Can Dance," but the disk features "Be Kind To Animals."
If you want to hear the song the Salteens fans wish had been on the collection, look no further. The last 15-20 seconds are especially great. (And, yes, this is the best version available.)

The Salteens - "I'm So Happy I Can Dance" [YouTube]