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Entries in Yo Gabba Gabba! (42)


The Flaming Lips. Yo Gabba Gabba. Well, Duh.

We've known for awhile now that the Flaming Lips would be appearing on this, the third season, of Yo Gabba Gabba. But one look at a clip from the upcoming episode "Fairytale" shows just how perfect the two are for each other. The Lips re-work "I Can Be a Frog" from their 2009 album Embryonic... and by re-work, I mean, change "I" to "You," and that's about it lyrically, it would appear based on the 1-minute clip Viacom shared. It's also a little sunnier in tone, but the video itself looks like, well, every other Flaming Lips concert clip I've seen. Utter chaos. (But in a good way.) Catch it all when "Fairytale" premieres on Nickelodeon on Friday, Nov. 5th at 11:30 AM.

The Flaming Lips - "I Can Be a Frog" (from Yo Gabba Gabba!) [embedded with permission of Viacom]

Oh, and if you want to hear the original...
... the official (pre-YGG) video is a little odd, though I don't think it's inappropriate for kids per se. But you might get some odd questions from the little ones. Or perhaps your spouse.

The Flaming Lips - "I Can Be a Frog" [YouTube]


Video: "Be Nice To Animals" - Salteens (from Yo Gabba Gabba!)

This video from Salteens, with animation for Yo Gabba Gabba! is so cute it makes me want to pinch its cheeks and say, "aaaaawwww, you're so cute! Yes, you are!" Maybe it wasn't quite the Salteens song fans wanted on the first YGG compilation, but the video is ten tons of awesome. (And if you think it starts out too cute, just give it a little time -- it finds a nice balance.)

Salteens - "Be Nice To Animals" (from Yo Gabba Gabba!) [YouTube]


Yo Gabba Gabba Goes Back To School

Yo Gabba Gabba posted a couple sweet videos from their upcoming "School"-themed episode. (Note to YGG-wise -- we started school a month ago 'round here, but anyway...) My favorite of the two is definitely the retro-sounding "What Story Do You Want To Hear?" from Dr. Dog (of course), featuring a total Schoolhouse Rock video tribute. It's a great song and video.

Dr. Dog - "What Story Do You Want To Hear?" [YouTube]

One more from The Faint after the jump
This one's a reasonably dull and tame live action one, but the tune is decent...

The Faint - "Teach Me" [YouTube]


Laurie Berkner, Questlove, and Mega Music Fest

OK. Let's get it out of the way -- the cutest/oddest thing about Nick's Mega Music Fest are these backstage/VIP passes. I can't decide if they're exclusionary because, y'know, not everybody gets to go backstage, or inclusionary because, y'know, everybody can make one.

In any case, the previously-recorded Mega Music Fest will make its broadcast premiere Labor Day -- Monday, September 6 at 8 PM ET/PT on Nickelodeon.

There were a lot of press clips of the performance available for posting, but unfortunately they're mostly just 30 seconds in length... so here's 30 seconds of the Laurie Berkner Band playing "My Family."

For those of you looking for a little more Laurie time in advance of the show, she'll be part of an online "Mega Music Party" at ParenstConnect on Thursday, Sept. 2 at 11 AM ET.

But there was one clip definitely worth watching even at 30 seconds in length...
Really, the best clip available from the show is actually this self-contained promo featuring Questlove from the Roots and Brobee from Yo Gabba Gabba!, which made me chuckle...


Nickolodeon's Mega Music Fest: Biggest Mashup Ever

LaurieBerknerInConcert.jpgWhat do you get when you cross Yo Gabba Gabba! with the Laurie Berkner Band and Colbie Caillat? Synergy!

Or, at least, that's what Nickolodeon believes, as they announced yesterday the first-ever "Mega Music Fest." (Note to self: "Mega" is no longer a prefix, apparently. It's a word unto itself.) On May 22 at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, the channel will be hosting the concert and taping it for a prime-time special this summer. In addition to the folks above, the concert will feature Wycleaf Jean, the Roots, Dora the Explorer, and the Fresh Beat Band, along with Sherri Shepherd and John Leguziamo. Caillat, Jean, and the Roots will apparently be performing duets with the other folks.

For those of you thinking that this would make for a fun live concert experience, you're going to have to know people -- there's no mention of the concert on the BAM calendar even though it's just ten days before the concert.

I'm 99% sure that Caillat, Jean, and the Roots will be performing with the Nickolodeon folks, but would it be too much to ask for at least a Roots/Berkner performance? (Yes, apparently it would.)

Photo credit: Todd Owyoung