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Entries in Yo Gabba Gabba! (42)


Kids Music Fights H1N1 Flu

That's right, folks, nothing like the onset of the cold and flu season as an excuse to watch two excellent kids music videos.

The first is "Nice 'N' Clean," and it's from Chromeo, a band that you will not typically listen to with your kids. But Yo Gabba Gabba has a way of getting folks to do all sorts of songs you wouldn't expect. This song is all about washing your hands, and has a funky synthesized video to go along with the funky synthesizers. There's no embedding, but it's worth going here and watching it with the kiddos.

And then, yeah, you have to do the elephant.

The Jimmies - "Do The Elephant" [YouTube, also on the forthcoming Trying Funny Stuff DVD]


Video: "Nature" (Live @ Kidzapalooza) - Band of Horses

I know, I already posted one Band of Horses live video from the Kidzapalooza stage from this Saturday's Lollapalooza. But this might be my favorite song from the video uploaded thus far. Not only that, but the band says that this song, "Nature," will be on Yo Gabba Gabba!'s upcoming Season 3. Not sure humidity in a Chicago summer is awesome, but this song might be.

Band of Horses - "Nature" (Live at Lollapalooza 2009's Kidzapalooza stage)


Video: "No One Likes To Be Left Out" - Mates of State

Yo Gabba Gabba! is pegged at your resident 3-year-old, so the song lyrics lack any subtlety. Of course, when they're as catchy as Mates of State's take on inclusion -- "No One Likes To Be Left Out" -- nobody really minds.

How much do I like this song? I'm willing to link to it, even though embedding is disabled. (Boo!)

Oh, and I totally think they ripped off one of the band's own videos...

Mates of State - "Fraud in the '80s" (kid-safe, I think, and an awesome song)


Yo Gabba Gabba Gabba: YGG Set For a Third Season

Word from Nickelodeon this morning that they've picked up of a third season of Yo Gabba Gabba!. The network will commence production on 13 new half-hour episodes in August for its NOGGIN channel. No word yet on guest stars (though I'm thinking that Seth Rogan is waaaaaay overdue, man) or musical partners in crime. (I wonder what the fact that they're bringing it back for just 13 shows means given that Season Two had 20 shows.)

I'm also reminded that they've started a live show gig down in Australia, which makes me wonder why in the world they're not doing that here first. Northern Hemisphere not good enough for Brobee?


KidVid Tournament 2009 Semi-Finals #1: The Jimmies vs. Mark Kozelek

Our first semi-final in KidVid Tournament 2009 features the Ella Jenkins Region's winner, The Jimmies' "Cool To Be Uncool," from their Make Your Own Someday CD and upcoming Trying Funny Stuff DVD, going up against the Leadbelly Region's winner, Mark Kozelek's "Bedtime Lullaby" (from the Yo Gabba Gabba! TV show).

Even if you know who you're going to vote for (and especially if you don't, natch), please watch both videos -- they're each excellent in their own ways.

Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments below, but the official results are based on the poll at the bottom of the page. One vote per household, please. Votes due by midnight tonight (Wednesday) East Coast time. And play nice!

The Jimmies - "Cool To Be Uncool"

Mark Kozelek - "Bedtime Lullaby"

(Sorry, folks, it's been pulled from YouTube since first posted. You'll have to go to Lippy's page for the video to watch it.)

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