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    Entries in newsletter (2)


    Reminder: Sign Up for the Newsletter!

    I hope I'm not too pushy when it comes to encouraging you to sign up for the Zooglobble newsletter.  But I'm prepping the next edition of Z7, and once again I think it's going to be a great way for you to get seven exclusive free downloads from seven artists' new and upcoming albums, albums worth exploring further.  (Hence the prominence of the "7."  I never said I was subtle.)

    Last month I featured the following awesome tracks:

    Tumble Down Library - "Bartholomew"

    Boxtop Jenkins - "Wag More"

    Jennifer Gasoi - "Happy!"

    Justin Roberts - "A Wild One"

    Helen Austin - "Five Little Things"

    SteveSongs - "Song Without a Rhyme"

    fleaBITE - "Dogs' Day Out"

    I'm busy assembling the January edition now, and it's just as cool, featuring artists new and old.  So if you haven't yet signed up for the newsletter, I encourage you to do so.  Like, soon.

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    Introducing Z7: 7 Artists, 7 Songs, 7 Days. Lucky You.

    I've been pondering how to improve the service I provide to you, dear reader, and like a bolt out of the blue, it hit me.  What you want, dear reader, is really good music for the whole family, delivered with just a click or two to your computer.  Oh, yes, make it free, please.


    Introducing Z7, a set of seven songs from seven just-released or soon-to-be-released albums.  All the songs are top-notch, and the albums they come from are going to appeal to a lot of you as well.  What's more, these are exclusive downloads -- you won't be able to download them for free anywhere else during the seven days they're available.

    Wait.  What do you mean, "seven days they're available."

    Well, you didn't think they'd be free 'til the end of time, did you?  No, you've got exactly seven days to download the tracks before the files go away.

    OK, how awesome are these tracks?

    This awesome:

    The Board of Education - "I'm Not Here Right Now"
    Doctor Noize - "Noun Town" from Grammaropolis
    Todd McHatton - "So Nice to Meetcha"
    Elizabeth Mitchell - "Blue Clouds"
    Elena Moon Park - "Poong Nyun Ga"
    David Tobocman - "Escalator"
    Vered - "Hands in My Mouth"

    You're right, that is awesome.  Sign me up.

    Well, I can't do that... but you can.  Simply sign up for the Zooglobble newsletter and if you do so by next Wednesday morning (October 24th), I'll make sure you get the links for this most recent offering.  And even if you stumble upon this after the 24th, sign up anyway -- November's offering is almost set!

    Thanks to the artists for participating and to you for signing up.