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    Entries in fleaBITE (3)


    Reminder: Sign Up for the Newsletter!

    I hope I'm not too pushy when it comes to encouraging you to sign up for the Zooglobble newsletter.  But I'm prepping the next edition of Z7, and once again I think it's going to be a great way for you to get seven exclusive free downloads from seven artists' new and upcoming albums, albums worth exploring further.  (Hence the prominence of the "7."  I never said I was subtle.)

    Last month I featured the following awesome tracks:

    Tumble Down Library - "Bartholomew"

    Boxtop Jenkins - "Wag More"

    Jennifer Gasoi - "Happy!"

    Justin Roberts - "A Wild One"

    Helen Austin - "Five Little Things"

    SteveSongs - "Song Without a Rhyme"

    fleaBITE - "Dogs' Day Out"

    I'm busy assembling the January edition now, and it's just as cool, featuring artists new and old.  So if you haven't yet signed up for the newsletter, I encourage you to do so.  Like, soon.

    join our mailing list
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    Video: "Hair" - fleaBITE

    This video from New Zealand band fleaBITE should amuse the kids and adults, particularly if they're listening to the lyrics.  There might even be an inappropriate chortle or two, which would not be the first inappropriate chortle generated by the fine and mischievious folks behind the band (who also were responsible for Fatcat & Fishface).  A very Seussian samba.

    fleaBITE - "Hair" [YouTube]


    Listen to This: In Your Ear - fleaBITE

    Not too much kids music from New Zealand crosses my desk.

    OK, no kids music from New Zealand has ever crossed my desk, at least virtually.

    So let's hear it for the digital revolution, which has made it possible for a Yankee like me to listen to a song about the hairiest person in the world, followed by a semi-classical piece featuring only the word "Meep," followed by a Mantovani-esque tribute to a cat that doesn't reciprocate its owner's love in a particularly gentle manner.  Yay for digital!

    As a result, those of us stateside can easily give In Your Ear, the 2011 debut album from New Zealand's fleaBITE, a spin.  The concept is that it's a band of fleas, but aside from a couple songs, the concept is not as developed as it was with the Wee Hairy Beasties.  But it's delightfully absurd (and sometimes, on songs like "Time Goes By" and "Far Away," beautiful).  If it sounds like the silliness of New Zealan's Fatcat & Fishface, that's because F&F's producer started this project as well.  Give the album a listen, and decide how eager you'll be to hear their forthcoming album Circus of Fleas to be released this spring (that's this fall for those of us in the Northern hemisphere).