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Kids Music Worth Airing!
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    Contest: Win Gwendolyn and the Good Time Gang CD & DVD!

    GTGPhoto.jpgThe latest album from Gwendolyn and the Good Time Gang, Get Up & Dance!, was released last week, and we've got a copy with your name on it.

    Well, technically speaking, it doesn't really have your name on it. I mean, that would imply that the fix is in for this contest and that every single reader is a winner, which isn't true.

    Oh, I mean, you're all winners in the very global sense of being worthwhile people. But in another, more real sense, one of you (whose name, I would re-emphasize, is not yet known to me) is a winner, and the rest of you, while not exactly losers, are non-winners. Winning-challenged. Left holding a bag devoid of winning.

    But, yes, thanks to Gwendolyn herself, not only do we have a copy of the new album, we also have a copy of their live concert DVD, Live in Grandma's Living Room. We're giving this combo away to one lucky reader. (If you're not familiar with the GTG music, get yourself on over to their music page and click on any one of their three albums to listen to streaming samples. You want to enter.)

    What do you need to do? Post in the comments the name of the hairdo Gwendolyn wears and your favorite person (real or fictional) who also sports a similar hairdo. I will randomly select one winner from all entries. All entries are due by 8 PM MST Tuesday, January 30. Good luck!

    (Photo courtesy Gwendolyn and the Good Time Gang)


    Notes From All Over

    Not only does The Lovely Mrs. Davis continue her romp through the nation's media (this time in the Toledo Blade), Warren Truitt gets some print time in Tennessee.

    Oh, and some random guy helps inspire a column in the San Jose Mercury News.

    (Thanks to Gwyneth for the heads up.)


    When Enzo Met Doug

    Enzo Garcia and Doug SnyderA couple months ago, I mentioned that Doug Snyder of The Jellydots would be sitting in with Enzo Garcia at one of Enzo's Saturday morning "Breakfast With Enzo" shows in January.

    Well, loyal reader Deb in SF sent in this photo from this past weekend's confab. That's Enzo on the left playing saw on Doug's "My Blanket."

    Sounds like a grand time was had by all...

    (Photo courtesy Deb Evans Braun)


    KidVid: I Hog (the Ground) - Steve Burns with Steven Drozd

    [Edit: Copyright infringements everywhere... just go here to watch.

    I know Mrs. Davis already posted this, but I've been waiting for somebody to get Steve Burns' and Steven Drozd's "I Hog (The Ground)" to YouTube, because, hey, this might be the kids' music song of the year, and it's only January.

    So I don't care that I was time-crunched and didn't get around to posting this until tonight (like Amy, I searched for this daily), and this rocks.

    Steve Burns: I Hog the Ground

    michelle | MySpace Video

    The version below is even better than the version on the Jack's preview disk, because it includes the occasional pop-up comment from Jack. The only thing better than seeing kids jump around playing air guitar is having Jack pop-up and shout "Air guitar!" [Ed: It's worse because it's, er, been removed.]

    The song sounds like a Dinosaur Jr. cut, and it'll send the parents into air guitar and (in my case) air drumming fits just like the kids.

    Kinda funny that Burns spends all this time breaking free of kids television, and with this one cut, he's created a song that's an instant kids music classic.


    Yes, I'm Back. Get Ready, People.

    I spent the weekend playing in the snow, but it's time to get caught up on some stuff. I've got reviews of some great new stuff, plus lots more.

    And if you haven't thrown your hat into the ring for the four Free Ralph's World tickets, you have until Thursday night to do so. Go ahead -- make me jealous there's not a House of Blues location near Phoenix.